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We're creating the best, most thorough discussion about Mass Effect 1 on the internet and we need your help! This time the panelists are Ben Hanson, voice actor Sarah Elmaleh, former Game Informer Joe Juba, and Leo Vader! 

For this week's discussion, we're covering the first third of Mass Effect 1. Roughly the first five hours or so, everything until you leave the Citadel. Please do not spoil anything beyond that point.

Submit a comment below and please get specific. Don't write a long review, please keep your one comment to around the length of a tweet. We want to get to as many comments as possible. Let's get specific, submit a comment about your favorite Codex entry, line of dialogue, alien design, thoughts on Din Korlack. The more specific you are, the higher the odds of us reading your comment during the discussion. We'll finish collecting comments on Tuesday morning.

For your own reference, here's the schedule for the rest of The Deepest Dive...

May 31st - Stop when you've wrapped up Artemis Tau, Noveria, and Feros

June 7th - Virmire/Finale

You can watch us record The Deepest Dive live on Tuesday evening at 5pm Central if you're at the $10 Backstage Pass tier on Patreon. The link will be in the Backstage Pass tier on the Discord. Thanks for your support.



Hey! It's like my 5th time playing through this section of the game, I've never gotten further in the series. Playing on PC with a high framerate etc. is helping, but also just taking in all the lore (the codex narration is great!), talking to everyone, including Avina (!) It's clear now how solid an introduction to a Universe this is. I like how Nihlus is all cool like "I move faster on my own." when he's about to exit the Normandy. Then he leaves in the most casual jog ever, and proceeds to die 20 minutes later, like a pro :)


Hi, gang! What’s your opinion on save scumming for this series? I ran into some dialogue where I couldn’t choose my preferred response because I didn’t have enough paragon at the time. After I finished the conversation I reloaded an old save, did some more side quests, then came back and the dialogue choice was available to me. It felt dirty, but I’m still haunted from an incident in my original play through years ago where I didn’t have enough paragon to make a very important decision later in the game. Just curious if you all are super for or against this sort of thing.


Exploring uncharted worlds is something else. Even though there’s not much to do besides finding artifacts/materials and clearing out enemy bases for side quests, no other game I can think of really gives you that deep sense of isolation and exploration in a sci fi universe. No Mans Sky certainly tries, but always felt too unrealistic and cartoony to me. The improved Mako controls really do make doing these side quests more enjoyable as well.


Finding all those freaking Keepers...


The narrator of the main Codex entries is Neil Ross, a long-time voice actor and announcer who was the voice of Green Goblin in the 1981 animated Spider-man TV series, multiple Transformers (Bonecrusher, Sixshot, Slag), Honest John in An American Tail, the Biff museum narrator in Back to the Future Part 2, and many other voice and narrator roles. You should interview this man!

Isaac Cynova

I can’t wait to plow through all 3 games. For a 2007 game, the bones of the first are so strong. The dialogue is choice, and the voice actors are all putting in their best. My favorite is Seth Green, of course, but I really don’t hear anyone not pulling their weight.

Isaac Cynova

Did any of you have a hard time with the character setup knowing it would stay with you all three games for sure this time? I love how they brought the default models back to the first game so that there’s a real sense of continuity.


My god this inventory system. That's it, that's my whole comment.

Isaac Cynova

I love the horror and hard sci-fi aspects of this first game. Having the Geth be such a sinister first enemy, impailing colonists and then turning them into husks made these first mission and the conversations after so intense. It was one of the things about revisiting this game that most excited me, besides the upgrades and graphic improvements.


As a casual player that is so not good at shooter games I LOVE the mini map with the red dots showing me where I’d danger. Makes the game more playable for me! What about you? I know mini mais aren’t so loved anymore but as a casual gamer if made me miss them in newer games !