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For this week's Cyberpunk 2077 discussion, we're covering the side quests in Act 2. So every optional mission in the game's big middle act. Please don't spoil anything from the main storyline.

Submit a comment on Cyberpunk 2077's side quests, and please get specific. Don't write a long review, please keep your one comment to around the length of a tweet. We want to get to as many comments as possible. Let's talk about your favorite quest, character, mission type, piece of random NPC dialogue, or even what you think about the gameplay systems after spending more time with them. The more specific you are, the higher the odds of us reading your comment during the discussion. We'll finish collecting comments on Tuesday morning.

For your own reference, here's the schedule for the rest of The Deepest Dive...

January 12th - Act 2's Critical Path

January 19th - Act 3/The Ending

You can watch us record The Deepest Dive live on Tuesday evening if you're at the $10 Backstage Pass tier on Patreon. The link will be in the Backstage Pass tier on the Discord. Thanks for your support.



Been really enjoying the game so far. But one thing really irks me. This is a really serious matter. I will try to be as respectable as possible but this must be addressed... Why did I choose my genitals if it doesn't matter? I'm not even referring to the gender side of things, because that's a whole other topic of conversation for a better comment. But never does my dong appear in any situation where it'd be situationally appropriate, except when it comedically pops out when unequipping pants. Don't get me wrong, I understand how this game would be rated if it were to really let loose. But overall, I'm disappointed in the overall representation of my uncut cyber-sausage. Crossing my fingers for dlc.

Mitchell O’Brien

Probably the only memorable side quest I've done in this game was a Gig where I had to retrieve some medical supplies stolen by a CyberPsycho who planned on assassinating a politician. He and I conversed for a bit until I (unfortunately) convinced him that his plan would be used only to hurt him and his cause further. He relented and let me grab what I needed, but as I left I heard a gun shot. I returned to find him dead. It really pains me that a lot of the side missions are really sub par, because the 3 or so minutes this mission took are probably the most evocative I've had in my 15 or so hrs playing


In the Lizzy Wizzy (played by Grimes btw) questline, I love that she calls you over to the hotel to help her get rid of a dead body, and you just pick up the body, walk 10 steps outside her hotel room, and toss it in the hotel trash. Overall, these Act 2 sidequests are where the game really shines it seems. The quality of so many of these quests and storylines is what I initially expected from CDPR (before all the justified backlash) and is what I was most looking forward to in this game, and I think it delivers in that regard.


What difficulty are you all playing on? I opted for hard, it pushes back just enough. The AI is still absolute butt, however.

John Ford

The side gigs in this game gave me flashbacks to a really unexpected place: Dishonored! The missions seem to all involve: infiltrating a base filled with patrolling enemies by (optionally) scouting around for one of several infiltration points, each optimized for different builds, either sneaking around or taking out enemies using either weapons, grabbing from behind, or [cyber/dark magic] powers, and some binary ethical question often tied into the end. What unexpected other games did you find cyberpunk reminding you of?


Couple quick points: Is there some seriously weird translation things going on in this game? I really noticed it during my blast through the side quests. The “xxxxx, that.” “Xxxx, that one.” “Tried to flatline me, Johnny did” - what on Earth is going on here, I’ve never heard anyone ever use that diction in my life. The whole mission with Judy underwater was so cool. The shared memories/feelings thing combined with the fact the area was completely habitable only 15 years prior where she grew up is such an interesting setup for a nice narrative mission, disappointed it ended so abruptly but I’m glad that Judy is my V’s waifu.


There's a side gig that Regina gives you with the following details: "Aaron's been digging into Maelstrom for a while now - says he found the warehouse where torture people. But you know how it is for badges - law slows them down with mountains of paperwork, so if they want to get something done, they have to get creative." I am so angry at this. It's tone deaf to state of our world, and it's certainly not in line with the ethos of cyberpunk. Why are we constantly helping the cops? That to me is the antithesis of the "punk" part of cyberpunk.


The one-off side missions have been my favourite part of this game. Specifically the ones where you have to retrieve something or someone from some sort of enemy base. I stealth around, hack the cameras to mark all the enemies and stay out of sight. I really love getting in and out without raising any alarms. There was one in particular where I only had to take out one of several enemies before hacking a camera, switching to another camera where I could see the objective, and then hacking that while on the camera to complete the objective and the mission. Really satisfying.


I had a threeway with a battle jet


A few others have mentioned how great Sinnerman was as a side mission. What really stood out to me was Johnny begging you to keep going and see what happens next. It was a real turning point for me on my relationship with Johnny. I was tempted to stop the mission a few times, but then Johnny said he'd hate me forever if I didn't keep going, so I did it for him, and it paid off big time. After that point, me and Johnny were on the same page, seeing whatever freaky stuff Night City had to offer us.


Just wanted to follow up and see if Suriel had noticed any appreciable change of life once getting a 3080? If that didnt happen feel free to leave this out, lol.


Shout out to everyones favorite vending machine, Brendan!