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Hey everybody! We're taking any and all calls from the community at 6pm Central for the monthly call in episode of MinnFAQs. If you want to call in, jump in the MinnMax Council channel in the Discord and let us know that you're up for a call. This month it'll just be me... Ben Hanson. But I can do impersonations of any other cohorts upon request.

Let us know if you have any questions abut how the call in works!


Backstage Pass - MinnFAQs

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Hey Ben! I can't actually make a call in tonight. But I wanted to talk to you about my Year of Final Fantasy and if you had time, talk about your experiences with the series. I played X as a kid until my little brother corrupted a late game file. Then I put the series away and didn't play another one until jumping into FFXIV with a bunch of friends after moving away to help with Homesickness. This year I beat. In this order 7/ 7Remako/ 15/ and the very first 1 I beat about a week ago. I'm currently playing through 9 now. However, what I wanted to ask you about, were the FF7 Books released over the last couple years and if you plan to read them. They are (if you're unaware) "On the Way To A Smile" Which is a series of short story epilogues for most characters leading straight into Advent Children. It sheds light on Yuffie, Barret, other characters, and honestly a great section of Shinra and the Turks. And the second book "The Kids are Alright: A Turks Side Story." (Which has Kyrie from FF7Remake as one of the main characters.) Both are from the Scenario writer for VII Kazushige Nojima. I burned through all of On The Way To A Smile in 48 hours and can say it is amazing and worth checking out. What's your favorite FF? Have you played them all? Okay, hope you are having a great day and I'm excited for BetterQuest this year!