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We're coming up on the grand finale of The Deepest Dive for 2001's Halo: Combat Evolved. It's time to submit your thoughts on the first game's multiplayer!

Also, because we're continuing to grow, please keep your one comment to around the length of a tweet. We want to get to as many comments as possible so we can't read extensive novels from everybody. We hope you understand.

Please submit a comment below with your specific thoughts on the game's multiplayer. Let's talk about your favorite mode, map, gun, competitive memory, please get specific. The more specific you are, the higher the odds of us reading your comment during the discussion. We'll finish collecting comments on Tuesday morning.

Remember, you can watch us record The Deepest Dive live on Tuesday at 9am Central if you're at the $10 Backstage Pass tier on Patreon. The link will be in the Backstage Pass tier on the Discord. Thanks for your support!

Here's a link to the first discussion in case you missed it, any help sharing The Deepest Dive is appreciated! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QHS7fLRvVnQ



I can't say I played any of Halo 1 before this year. I started into the series at Halo 2 when it first came out and just never went backwards to the original. But still, despite never touching the game before, I have had some tremendous fun with this game with the MinnMax community. This game feels so boiled down compared to what the series became and other big FPS games of today. It has a core gameplay loop that is so easy to pick up and play but difficult to master, which is so key to how fun it is. Even if every map doesn't work (like the map 'Infinity'- yuck-a-roo) and every weapon isn't balanced (like the notoriously powerful pistol), it doesn't matter because the positives so widely overshadow the negatives. No run button? Doesn't matter when you're laughing over your ragdolling body falling off a map in a multiplayer match with your buddies. Side note, I can say honestly some of the times I have laughed the hardest during MinnMax's entire existence have been during our Halo Community Game nights, and that says a lot. Whether it's getting sniped by Jeffm, running over Hanson in a warthog, low gravity rocket launchers, shotgun roulette or just the party chat devolving into impressions people can do or talking about the Wii's DVD capabilities, it has led to countless amazing moments.


Bungie’s co-founder Jason Jones has said in past interviews he tweaked the code for the Halo pistol at the last moment to greatly increase its damage and get the gun to where they wanted it to be. Do you think this small act cemented the legacy of Halo multiplayer? Would the game have had as big of an impact with a lesser pistol? For me, that weapon is such an iconic part of Halo it’s hard to imagine the game or its success without it.


Playing multiplayer throughout the Halo franchise, I've learned to spend about half my time looking at the radar when I'm not shooting. It got me thinking recently, does Halo have the best radar in any FPS? In any game period? It's extremely simple and quickly conveys all the necessary info without taking up much real estate on the screen. Good guys are yellow, bad guys are red. Small dots are regular enemies, big dots are vehicles. It shows which are in your cone of vision and which aren't. It would be OP, but you can sneak past undetected by crouching. By designing it this way, it encourages stealth as an option in multiplayer, which can be hard to come by in other shooters. The only thing it's missing in Combat Evolved is the ability to differentiate between enemies that are on your level versus ones above or below you, which was added in Reach. In comparison, I was recently playing Destiny 2 and I think the radar is noticeably worse. It is much less precise, doesn't show your cone of vision, and you can't completely avoid it by crouching. All of these really made me appreciate that little blue circle in the bottom left even more when jumping back into Halo. Edit: I just booted up the MCC version and noticed the radar isn't blue anymore! I wonder why they changed it? The rest of the HUD is still blue...


Those spawns on hang em high are atrocious. Played snipers with the community and couldn’t walk like two steps without getting dropped. Anyone else spawn camping is sort of a thing of the past in most games?


Also, what are the cohorts playstyles in terms of weapon selection? Do you try to make the most out of the weapons you spawn with, or do you camp the power weapons? Which weapon do you feel most confident with?


Halo multiplayer has a unique feel among shooters because of its strange TTK. At first blush, it seems like a very long TTK compared to CoD, Battlefield, Rainbow Six, or Counterstrike because you can unload more than half of an Assault Rifle magazine before foes get into kill range, as opposed to the 3-4 bullets it takes in most of those contemporaries. But then you realize that the vast majority of weapons in Halo are one-hit kills. Rocket Launchers, Snipers, Shotguns, and both types of grenades are all capable of killing someone before they even know they're being shot at. Even the plasma pistol can kill nearly instantly with an overcharge shot followed by a swift melee. So the metagame in Halo revolves as much around map knowledge as it does around aiming skills. Knowing where and when the power weapons will spawn and controlling access to those parts of the map will get you much farther than precision no-scopes and twitch reflexes.


My god if they just added a sprint button I think Halo 1 multiplayer might be one of the most fun online experiences I could ask for.


My go-to weapon in Halo: CE multiplayer will always be the rocket launcher. The speed of the rocket, the explosion radius, and the satisfying reload animation all make for a good time. The limited ammo for it also keeps it fair. What is your go-to weapon for Halo: CE?


I maintain that the best map in Halo: CE is Hang ‘E-mail High. Though I suspect this is matter of time and place. The remake of in Halo 2 Tombstone and it’s spiritual successor in Halo 3 Longshore don’t have the same feel. Question: Best map in Combat Evolved?


A few months ago you made a video on the most satisfying attacks to land in a video game and landing a plasma grenade was mentioned. I'd like to make an amendment to that. It should be "playing local multiplayer and landing a plasma grenade on your friends face, covering his entire screen in light blue while you both are screaming as he tries to kamikaze into you".


A fun thing to do with ghosts in multiplayer or campaign is to ram ghosts into the side of a tank. Due to the floaty nature of the ghosts, they will fly pretty high into the air and you can perform some funky dope maneuvers. Thought this was particularly relevant given the Tony Hawk celebration week.


Halo 1 multiplayer holds up great with few exceptions. Those respawns are pretty bad. Playing ranked doubles with my cousin we were constantly getting shot the second we spawned. It’s great when I do it to others but when it happens to me, come on game!