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Hello everybody! It's a week early, but this Sunday at 6pm Central Ben Hanson and Suriel Vazquez will be taking calls from the MinnMax Council channel on Discord for MinnFAQs. If you're a $20 supporter, you can call in and ask us anything under the sun or just talk about some of your favorite games with us. It's your call!

If you jump up to that $20 tier, you can also call in to BetterQuest the first week of September and talk to Jeff Cork while setting a personal goal for yourself throughout the month. Let us know if you have any questions about how the call-ins work or the benefits of jumping to another tier.

Thanks for an amazing month, everybody! Oh, and please watch Leo Vader's latest Watch Later video essay on Splinter Cell... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZ3e-T7w6yI



This will be my first month I can call-in, and I'm not sure what to do! LOL


Hey Paul! Do you have Patreon and Discord linked? Do you have access to the MinnMax Council channel?


I am in the MinnMax discord


User name is cyperrat


Okay great, and you have access to the MinnMax Council channel on the left? That should be all you need!


Okay, thanks