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This week on the podcast, we'll have Ben Hanson, Kyle Hilliard, Ana Diaz, and Jeff Marchiafava. It's your turn to make the show better by leaving a question, topic, or anything else for us to read on the show as a comment below! We’ll choose our favorite and iam8bit will ship out a great prize for the winner! We'll stop pulling questions around 10am Central on Wednesday.

On this week’s episode we’ll be talking about...

- Cyberpunk 2077

- Suicide Squad

- UnderMine

- LittleWood

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Last week you all mentioned your favorite Video Game Joke. I'd like to offer: "What is the most welcoming Item in a Video Game?" *slight Wave* "A Hi-Potion" What is your favorite so bad it's good jokes?

Tommy Carver-Chaplin

What gaming or pop cultural hills are the co-horts willing to die on? Mine would be that Arkham Origins has easily become, for me, the best game in the Arkham series. Love the Christmas theme, the cast of villains, the story structure, and the Batmanyness of it all. What about you guys?


Hello Fellow Reclaimers! (that's a Halo reference) In honor of your Deepest Dive on Halo: Combat Evolved, here's a quick game for the crew to play: Covenant Ship or Metallica song? Let's see who can get the most correct! I've marked the answers below with a C or M for Hanson to keep track. Cheers! Long Night of Solace (C) Seeker of Truth (C) My Friend of Misery (M) Shadow of Intent (C) Rebel of Babylon (M) Song of Retribution (C) Through the Never (M) Breath of Annihilation (C) The Struggle Within (M) Hammer of Faith (C) Truth and Reconciliation (C) The Unforgiven (M) Harvester of Sorrow (M) Colin Perkins St. Paul, MN

Josh LaBaw

Howdy Cohorts, Is Steam going to have DualSense support soon after launch? Will the DualSense work on PC easily like Xbox controllers. With Sony publishing on PC, and PlayStation Now being on PC, isn't this in their best interest?


Hi minnmax. So your show got me hooked on bubly and other sparkling water. Can you rank the flavors top 3 best and worst to help me get the most out of my new addiction. Thanks for everything


Hanson, How many hours of consumable content is procured by the MinnMax crew every week? I'm a $5 subscriber and I'm overwhelmed most of the time. I have such a large backlog of episodes to listen to in my podcast library, and it seems to grow faster than I can get through the episodes. By the time I'm ready to engage in the content with a community question or comment, I'm weeks behind and no longer relevant. Can we have a small segment on the MinnMax Show for the MinnLaxers (or MinnLaggers?)? Just allow some space for people to make a comment or ask a question about older content. I'd love that. Thanks! Taylor from Nashville, TN


Hey, all. If you had to give a BC slash AD type split to video game history, when do you think it would be? The shift of arcade popularity following the success of home console ports? The move from standard definition to high definition? The introduction of micro transactions? The split doesn't have to be even, but what has had enough significance to shift the industry? And just for fun, how would it be abbreviated?

Jordan Brown

Hey guys, Late entry but I'm very curious how you guys feel about Halo Infinite being delayed into 2021. How do you guys think this will affect Xbox sales this holiday? Could you see them delaying the Xbox launch to have it launch with at least one flagship title?


2 weeks ago Hanson said he could outrun a Gorilla. This week Ive designed a game: Is Hanson Faster? The MinnieMaxies can buzz in and say yes, no or maybe to the following and Hanson must honestly say if he can beat it in fair, flat land race. Keep in mind that the average human can run 10-15mph. Usain Bolt, the fastest human alive can run 28mph. (Example: Hedgehog.... YES, a hedgehog can only run up to 4mph) Giraffe... NO 35mph 10,000 Rats... YES 8mph Armadillo... NO 30mph Hippopotamus... MAYBE 19mph Wombat... NO 25mph Komodo Dragon... YES 12mph Tyrannosaurus Rex... MAYBE approx. 17mph Gorilla 20-25mph... NO 20-25mph


The correct answer to this is the Nintendo Quality Seal of Approval

Matt Sheldon

Hey CLC's! Quick anecdote regarding Cameo from last week- I recently decided I wanted to pay a celebrity to tell my friend that they know he's a piece of crap when I discovered you could get a Cameo from Sinbad for only 40 dollars to my absolute delight. I pony up my 40 bucks and make my request. The hiccup- Sinbad just randomly decides on his own that it must be this friend's birthday and makes it a birthday message (still telling him he's a piece of crap.) I ended up having to wait 5 months before sending it to my friend for his birthday. TLDR; Sinbad can't take direction for crap. Edit: Here's a link if you're curious https://youtu.be/loaNivc6ldg