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For the last Sunday of every month, we let folks at the MinnMax Council tier on Patreon call in to our Patreon-exclusive podcast MinnFAQs and ask us anything they want. Due to some scheduling stuff, we bumped the call-in episode up a week and are honored to be joined by the latest cohort Leo Vader! We take calls and talk about his plans for video essays at MinnMax, his thoughts on comedy, and much more.

If you want to join the MinnMax Council and call-in to MinnFAQs on the last Sunday of every month as well as BetterQuest, you can support us at the $20 tier even if only for one month. Thanks so much!



I think that SoTC also becomes a marriage between action/adventure and 3d platformer because each and every boss fight requires platforming to both reach and complete. It's really an odd duck


The "is shadow of the colossus a platformer?" debate is the "is a hotdog a sandwich?" debate in a different category. There are words with definitions like "platformer" and "sandwich" that when defined don't match up with how they're used in language. When you say a game is a platformer you intend to convey certain preconceived notions about what a "platformer" is in regards to the game. For example if I said "what's Shadow of the Colossus" and you said "It's anime", you would be misleading me despite the fact that it is both animated and from Japan. So is it misleading to call Shadow of the Colossus a platformer? I don't know. I never played it.