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Hello everybody! We normally have the call-in episode of MinnFAQs on the last Sunday of the month, but due to some scheduling issues we're bumping it up this week! At 6pm Central on Sunday July 19th, Leo Vader and Ben Hanson will be taking calls and answering any questions you have about our past, MinnMax's future, or the news of the week!

We'll be taking calls from the MinnMax Council Discord channel, so jump in there and let us know if you want us to call you. Be sure to let us know if you're confused about how the call-in works! We're looking forward to talking to you!



MinnFAQs - The July Call-In Special

Join Leo Vader and Ben Hanson as they answer questions from the community about anything under the sun!


Cameron Wardlaw

Wish I could make it! This question is aimed at Leo, but Hanson might have some more he could add to it. Part of my betterquest this month is making several Video Essay style videos, and with you joining on to make regular video essays I figured now would be the best time to ask you From writing scripts to recording and editing, are some big things you have learned that improved your content creation workflow?


Ill be watching but my internet is S so I cant call in, however I did want to take the time to thank Leo for his ADD lifestyle video, my 8 year old son was diagnosed when he was 5 and my wife who is 32 was diagnosed last year. My son has the same troubles in school that you mention in your video and I would just like to thank you for giving me some perspective into a life that my son doesnt have the tools to communicate to me yet. Keep up the good work and keep Hanson off the sticks, cheers