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This week on the podcast, we'll have Ben Hanson, Kyle Hilliard, Jeff Marchiafava, and Ana Diaz. It's your turn to make the show better by leaving a question, topic, or anything else for us to read on the show as a comment below! We’ll choose our favorite and iam8bit will ship out a great prize for the winner! We'll stop pulling questions around 10am Central on Wednesday.

On this week’s episode we’ll be talking about...

- E3 2013 and PS4 vs. the Xbox One

- The fighting game community's upheavals

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Howdy minnisters . Short q from me . Who’s your favourite gaming composer #ripenniomorricone


Hey Minnisters, Me and my son have been trying to get “gud” at Minecraft. A lot of YouTube help and a lot of failed Redstone and we’re doin ok. But damn that manual crop harvesting mechanic is one of the most all round satisfying game mechanics there is. My question is, what other game mechanics offer that much simple satisfaction?


Sorry... another question. It’s been over 12 months and there’s still vitriol online about Game of Thrones, there’s still vitriol about Star Wars and now Last of Us will is the focus of the Hateful Minority. Can we have anything nice? I’m sure it’s easy to say that the creators will brush off the abuse, but it is relentless and poisonous. Is there going to be a lasting impact on the arts when any attempt by a creator to take risks (or be safe in the case of Star Wars) results in prolonged attacks?


Hey Howdy Hey Hanson and the 'horts, Last week on the podcast, you discussed what you want from Halo Infinite and it got me thinking, are the expectations for this game absolutely impossible to live up to? No matter what it does, will it be the success that MS needs it to be for the new Xbox? What does Halo Infinite need to do to be deemed a success? Thanks, Queso


Hello, Hanson and MM Crew: Controllers everywhere and nowhere...analysis paralysis. Need help! In our house we have 2 gaming PCs and I want to consolidate on the same wireless controller to prevent the controller shuffle party as we move from various consoles, handhelds, and the PC. Currently, we have: 1) wired Xbox 360 controller (neither had nor will ever own an Xbox) 1) WiiU pro controller 1) Switch Pro Controller 2) PS3 controllers I know I can set up BlueTooth for the wireless controllers listed above, but then it becomes another level of pain pairing/unpairing as we move around. So, here's the question: Should I buy two PS4 DualShock 4 controllers now and dedicate these to the PCs, or wait until the PS5 launches and buy additional controllers? I believe the DualShock 4 will be compatible with PS5, but not sure that's been confirmed by Sony. Thoughts?


Hello MinnMax ( 2 Enns), I had a quick question about Game Studio Creation, with the current rumor being that Microsoft might by WB Interactive, what the panel’s consensus on the “best” (or most efficient) way to create good studios? Is it better to naturally build them from the ground up? Poach talent? Or just buy them? Thank you, LaRay M. Hare Aka BluMayhem


Cohorts. The prophecy must be fulfilled. Deadly Premonition 2 for Great GOTY Hunt. Pretty please. Sugar on top.


Hello everyone, Serious questions here. Is it possible to eat a taco without all the fixings falling out of the back? I feel like I can never eat a taco without it all just dropping out of the back end. Am I doing it wrong? What is proper taco etiquette? Regards, Tyler


Hello CLCs! Throughout my gaming life, I've owned at least one version of every major Nintendo platform (including the much-maligned Virtual boy), with one exception: I've never had a Wii U. With so many of the Wii U's best library selections being ported to the Switch, and more supposedly on they way, are there any Wii U exclusives left to justify picking one up on the cheap?


Since yall are talking about the Fighting Community and the recent allegations I'm gonna ask a tough question: Once these people are ousted what happens after that? Is there a place for redemption or do they simply go into other unknowing communities and keep being awful? I dont have definitive answers here either by the way, it's a mess and my heart goes out to the survivors and brave folks speaking up.