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This week on the podcast, we'll have Ben Hanson, Kyle Hilliard, Jeff Marchiafava, Suriel Vazquez, and Ana Diaz. It's your turn to make the show better by leaving a question, topic, or anything else for us to read on the show as a comment below! We’ll choose our favorite and iam8bit will ship out a great prize for the winner! We'll stop pulling questions around 10am Central on Wednesday.

On this week’s episode we’ll be talking about...

- Spoiler-free The Last of Us Part II Impressions
- Star Wars: Squadrons
- Clubhouse Games: 51 Worldwide Classics

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Hey Howdy Hey Hanson and the 'horts, *quick aside: If Kyle, JeffM, and Suriel are Computer Lovin' Cohorts, that makes Ana a Pikachu Lovin' Cohort, right? Official Title? Ana Diaz, PLC* If each of you were a Ninja Turtle, who would be who? and nooooo Ana doesn't have to be April by default. I mean, she can if she wants to, but she doesn't have to. Also, which mentor from your past would be Master Splinter? Thanks! Queso


Was Photomode Snap an omen for the return of Pokemon Snap? Did y'all have some inside information?!


What was the dumbest thing that you honestly believed when you were a kid? I'm not talking some bull roar an adult pulled on you, rather something you thought was a truth about how things work that sprang fully formed from your mind. I will give my examples: 1. I used to believe tiny elves lived in every digital clock, and changed around the numbers. I would stare at the clock for long periods of time, trying to catch the clock elves in the act. 2. I believed there was a series of pneumatic tubes crisscrossing the country, connecting every mailbox, and that's how the postal service works!


Hi all, with the release trailer for resident evil 8 Village out there do you think they will stick with the weird naming convention for RE9 if so what is the word going to be for that one. I have included some words to help personally I hope for RE 9 appendix. crucifix. intermix. transfix. -Rickfromatlanta


Has Suriel checked out Warborn it is releasing for switch physically and has an advanced war vibe? -Rickfromatlanta

Hugo Pereira

New Pokemon Snap just got revealed, how likely do you guys think it will support the Labo VR Camera? And if you had to pair an entry of a new IP with the weirdest Labo - the VR bird butt one - which would it be?


Scuttlebutt was that one of Sony's sticking points on price was the cooling system. Do you think the size and ventilation of the revealed console could mean they went with a cheaper cooling option?


In the discussions about the new consoles and their various features, one of the things that is frequently brought up is backwards compatibility. I can only speak for me but this is just not that important to me. How much do you care about backwards compatibility and would you not buy a console if it did not have this feature?


In honor of Kyle being so wrong about Pokemon Snap, what's your favorite time you've ever been wrong about a prediction or something you were certain wasn't happening?


Maniac from Chicago: Lets do some planning for a MinnMax Videogame, all of you (and any esteemed guests) will be characters and party members in the game. What RPG classes are you? Don't restrict yourself to just fantasy, If Suriel wants to be a Druid that talks to squirrels but also is a techno-mage who weaves nanobot swarms, let him! If Ben wants to reprise his FF7 role as a junk dealer, why not? If JeffM wants to be some kind of cowboy.. well there is already a game he can do that and really should! Kyle can be... a bard I guess?


Can Jeff spend 30 uninterrupted seconds crafting and eating an imaginary sandwich?


Hello there CLC maxing traxxers! Hope all is safe and well, all things considered. Including to my nemesis, JeffM. How do you all feel about spoilers? And be specific. For example, I avoid 90% conversation, speculation and content about something I wish to consume prior to its release. For example, any kind of previews about movies, but I'll be a little more lax about video games since playing the game will also affect your decision. But i also think narrative content based on twists and surprises while fun will not have the same strength as a solid story. Ex: the sixth sense vs star wars new hope. If someone spoiled sixth sense I would lose more than if i was spoiled with a new hope, so the story and experience of new hope maintains I can get spoiled but won't have it ruined. -Geoff aka Groffles