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This week on the podcast, we'll have Ben Hanson, Kyle Hilliard, Jeff Marchiafava, Suriel Vazquez, and a special guest.... It's a slow news week, so we'll be looking to the past and arguing about some of the greatest games of all time.

 It's your turn to make the show better by leaving a question, topic, or anything else for us to read on the show as a comment below! We’ll choose our favorite and iam8bit will ship out a great prize for the winner! We'll stop pulling questions around 10am Central on Wednesday.

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Zane Dukes

Hey there CLCs, I've been playing MGS V during quarantine, and boy is that game awesome. I mention this game because last week (I think) there was talk about ludonarrative dissonance being a problem in gaming. MGS V is one of few games where the themes line up with the gameplay. They also really nailed open world design so much that it feels like a good half step towards BotW. Did y'all like MGSV? What is it's legacy? Also, if Kingdom of the Crystal Skull was hot dropped during quarantine people would absolutely love it. Now it's just fine. And Raiders is perfect and the best movie ever made byyyyeeeeee Love Zane from Knoxville


Hey y'all, I have one simple question. What mecha franchise would you want to see in the style of Titanfall 2 (as in gameplay style, in/out of cockpit gameplay, etc.)? Love Clarence B. Spoonicus


Hello crew, During quarantine I'm playing the Ff7remake. I am currently on chapter 11 and in love with Aerith. But I gotta wonder, why did nobody mention that the soundtrack for Wall Market sounds oddly similar to 'a whole new world' by Aladdin. Stay safe and stay gaming!


Hey friendos. What's your opinion on computer case LEDs ? Yay or ... neigh ? That's it.


Hello Ben Hanson and the CLCs, I want to prefice that I love my switch and use it constantly however with the news that nintendo will be missing the e3 window this year I cant help butfeel like this is the third year in a row that weve had a "slow year" of the switch. do you think that the full library of the switch represents a 3 year console lifespan and do you think it will hold up in several years?


Probably someone else asked before me, but can you tell us a bit about the upcoming Hanson & Cork show, now that the goal has been met? Thanks!


Hanson and the 'horts, Did y'all game on PC during the decade of 2000 to 2010? If so, where were your favorite memories from this decade? This was the only period I had a good gaming PC and times were great! Steam first coming out, Counterstrike 1.6, Half Life, HL 2, Warcraft 3 custom games, L4D. One of my favorite things during this decade was internet/cyber gaming cafe's. Pay per hour and play PC game on a LAN party with your buddies? Great times. Thanks, Queso


Hey MinnMax, Will Xbox and PlayStation overhaul their dashboards with the launch of the new consoles? Which dashboard and interface do you prefer and what would you most like to see changed?


Hey, guys. So over time I’ve come to terms that there’s way too many types of pasta out there. I personally feel like we could get rid of spaghetti, angel hair, and macaroni. Can we pick some pastas to get rid of so we can make this planet a better place? #teamrotini

Thom Blackburn

Hey Andy and the Mac and Me's, With ign rereviewing overwatch to change the score from a 9.6 to a 10 I was wondering if we would ever see a rereview with a score that goes down? Maybe if a company adds microtransactions after launch like Activision has done a couple times? Thanks, Thom

Jason Bristol

I wanted to ask about the uptick of online expos recently that take the place of E3. Are you preferring the individual expos so far or would you have wanted the ESA to still do a condensed digital E3? I feel we could see good things from events like the New Game+Expo, since it’s for 3rd parties that don’t get much coverage at bigger sites or E3 and could cultivate a cool ecosystem for people the check out new games.