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This week on the podcast, we'll have Ben Hanson, Kyle Hilliard, Jeff Marchiafava, and Suriel Vazquez. It's your turn to make the show better by leaving a question, topic, or anything else for us to read on the show as a comment below! We’ll choose our favorite and iam8bit will ship out a great prize for the winner! We'll stop pulling questions around 10am Central on Wednesday.

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Hey fellas, already posted a question but finally thought of the spoooooky coincidence I wanted to share with you boys. When I was younger, around 5-6, I used to regularly suffer from night terrors where I’d scream things or thrash about while I slept and it was really difficult to wake me up. My parents used to wake me up by sitting me in the bath and asking me questions until I came to. One night they asked me to count to ten for them and, according to them, I responded by counting to ten in perfect German, which really freaked them out because I’d never learned any German . When I’d woken up they asked me if I knew how to count in German and I told them I didn’t and didn’t proceed to learn to for another 2 years. I think it’s entirely fair to say that I was definitely possessed by a German ghost and didn’t somehow learn it subliminally. Love the show!


Hello MinnMax(2 N's)! This is BluMayhem from the Discord. I'm a HS Physics Teacher, so I wanted to reach out about the discussion last week about the Sonic the Hedgehog movie and all other speedsters depicted in movies. There is a portion of Special Relativity called Time Dilation. While I will spare the Panel and God's Country the extreme granular detail that this facet of Physics has, the long and short of it is this: As an item moves closer to the speed of light, the amount of time & the way that time is experienced is elongated. This has been experimentally shown on commercial airplanes on a very small level. (It has also been shown experimentally by muon decay in the atmosphere.) If we are to assume that Sonic is moving at .7c (70% of the speed of light), which is very fast, then one minute (60 seconds) would be around 75 seconds to Sonic. While that does not seem like much, this would give him a massive advantage against any opponent that is moving at a slower non-relativistic speed. This is also in line with a famous Gedanken-Experiment (German for "Thought Experiment) from Albert Einstein, where he rode on a beam of light. Everything appeared to be standing still relative to Dr. Einstein! Also: I wanted to touch briefly on the Rainbow and the fellow MinnMax (2 N's) crew that drove through it, Kyle and Suriel both stated that Rainbows are Optical Illusions. This is incorrect. Rainbows are caused by white light entering and exiting a prism. This causes the light to refract at both edges of this prism, in this case water that is in the air. This refraction causes Dispersion, which breaks the rainbow into the seven colors of the visible spectrum. Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, & Violet. (Purple is not a Color! It is perpetuated by Big Crayon. The Physics Police and I have been hurting them for violating the laws of Physics for Years!!!) It is possible the drivers just happened to drive through the water droplets that were making the rainbow.


Hey CLCs, in the topic of crazy coincidences I apparently have a clone. I was first made aware of this when friends at universities different than mine said they saw me on campus. But as time went on my clone started becoming quite successful. One time I was at a brewery, and the bartender lit up, asked how I was doing and saying "its been so long since I've seen you! You're Michael, right?" I was taken back, completely unsure of who he was, but I played along asking how he was doing. He then told me about his family and how they've been doing and then asked if I was still running an organic farm. That's when I knew the jig was up and we had no clue who each other was. I told him this, and he started laughing in a dumbfounded way, and pulled up a picture of who he thought I was and it turns out they looked nearly identical to myself. I've not heard what my clone is up to these days, but I hope he's doing well. Has this ever happened to you guys?


Hey Minyu Force, I have a coincidence and two media recommendations based your conversations from last week. Coincidence: My college dining hall would have you write a name for your orders which they would scream out as they placed it on the pickup counter. There were far too many Michaels (most common name for year I was born) so I decided to pick a different name to avoid the ambiguity of hearing “Michael” yelled and not knowing if it was my food. I started using Isaac (big golden sun fan) as my unique name. A week or two later I hear "Isaac!", go up and grab my food and someone else grabs it at the exact same time. He looks at me so excited and says “wow I’ve never met another Isaac before!”. I felt very bad explaining that I was a fraud and watching his excitement fade. Should I have lied to him and kept up the charade? Maybe grab my food with a giant pair of gold floating hands just to prove I was legit? Recommendations if you like Free Solo: I love climbing and documentaries. If you liked Free Solo you will probably enjoy Meru on Amazon Prime, directed and filmed by Jimmy Chin (same director as Free Solo). My favorite climbing documentary is The Dawn Wall, a story about the most difficult route up the same rock formation you saw Alex Honnold climb in Free Solo. Recomendation for JeffM because he likes SF architecture: The Last Black Man in San Francisco was on of my favorite movies last year. It's beautifully shot with many of the shots and plotpoints showcasing San Francisco architecture. It's on Amazon Prime. Fair warning, the movie is light on plot overall, very dialogue and character focused but looks incredible Thanks!

Mark Cruz

Hello friends. Story time. Yesterday was almost the fabled day. The day I got to play Avalon the beloved game that Ben Hanson never stops talking about. I come home and my room mate has friends over playing board games. They ask me to join and I happily sit down and start eating birthday cake flavored Oreos which I realize I hate now. A few games of spy fall in and I recommend the next game. Avalon. Most agree but we realize the host (my room mate sister owns it but didn’t bring it) so we didn’t get to play it. My question is what Is something your favorite podcast host sold you on trying (Avalon for me) that you had 0 interest in before but were willing to try it because of your love for the host and their taste


Hi Ben Hanson and the not-Ben-Hansons, Like many, I am excited for Final Fantasy 7 Remake. I've been excited for games before, but I was surprised how much of an emotional reaction I had to the demo. The anticipation beforehand, the excitement from hearing the music, and finally getting to control Cloud made my teary. Is there any game or gaming experience that gave you a much more intense emotional reaction than you anticipated? Manick_T


Hello JeffM and the rest, Following up on the inexplicable coincidence discussion: Have you ever had a dream that somehow incorporates the things happening around you? Like, you're getting jostled around on a bumpy car ride in your dream, but then you realize that someone has been trying to shake you awake for a full minute? Here's my inexplicable version of that: I've had dreams where the real and unreal worlds are perfectly synced. For example, I might be the dream-captain of a nuclear submarine, and I'm getting ready to press the RED ALERT, INCOMING MISSILE warning button – and the instant I do, my alarm starts ringing in the real world. How can someone's unconscious mind have split-second accuracy (and narrative cohesion) when it comes to knowing exactly when something is happening in the waking world? I know it's about a 1/10 on the EerieScale, but that's my story. Keep up the great work!


Hey MinnMax, What's your preferred way to make popcorn? Hot air popper, stove top with oil, microwave bag? We personally go stove top, but I have yet to find an effective way to add butter that isn't just dripping melted butter in the popcorn. Some way to spray butter would be ideal. Butter ideas!?


Hey MinnMax, Ignoring stats of weapons in games what is your favorite category of weapons. Pistols, shotguns, rifles, and sniper rifles etc. I loved control so much solely for how good the pistol felt in the game.

Roberto Zayas

One more question. Hypothetically, I give you all $10M each. You can only use the money to invest in ONE game publisher AND you won't be able to touch the money again for a decade. Who would you choose and why?


Good morning minnmaxers I have a strange coincidence that happened to me. A few years ago I had a strong urge to visit my dads grave. When I got there my mom and sister were exiting the cemetery. I called and we talked about how weird it was that we both went at the same time. I spent about an hour there and when I got in my car my Uncle and Grandpa pulled up. The date wasn’t meaningful in anyway but we all went and we dont know why.


A Milk Bradley howdy from Madison, Wisconsin wittle MinnnnMaxies (4 n's)! What is a game many people love that you just can't make sense of? Context: I often hear people talking about a game that I don't find great as one of their favorite games of all time. That game game is Persona 5. The music and the UI are exceptional and easily stand out well above most other games, but it's when people talk about the characters and the story that I feel so confused. The dialogue isn't as bad as kingdom hearts 3, for instance, but I think all the characters feel one dimensional and repetitive over the whole of the game. I also found the UX in the roleplaying sections to be obtuse and the way that they would kidnap you for hours of click-through story sections to be exhausting. I also played this game entirely while walking on the treadmill so making it to a place I could save was literally exhausting ;) Can you tell me why I'm wrong about Persona 5? What am I missing? Should I give Persona 5 Royal another good go?


I felt the same way, and I don’t even consider myself a huge FF7 fan. That intro is just so well done, and I can’t wait to play the whole game