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This week on the podcast, we'll have Ben Hanson, Jeff Marchiafava, and Suriel Vazquez. It's your turn to make the show better by leaving a question, topic, or anything else for us to read on the show as a comment below! We’ll choose our favorite and iam8bit will ship out a great prize for the winner!



Dear Ben, If you had the ability to erase something from your fellow Minnmaxers' memories to make their lives miserable, what would that thing be, and how would you think they'd react? Love you all, Sam from Iran

Bruce The Genetic Jackhammer Rando

Good day Minnisters! Hypothetically one day in the near future King Nintendo orders you all to make a live service game each out of some of his beloved IP, which IP would each of you choose to use and what would the game be like? You can't nominate an IP you don't like to save the ones you do like from becoming abominations and you have a magic wand that makes the game so you don't require any game development skills


We are running out of time to to wildly speculate about the next gen systems. So! What do you think the Series X and PS5 game cases will look like? Are they getting a new shade of green and blue? Will Xbox still keep the discs on the left?! Speculate!


Has the best game on each of the current generation of consoles been released yet? I can't imagine anything surpassing Witcher 3 as my favorite PS4 game, but maybe one of the upcoming big releases will surprise me and move to the top of my list. And, what if a launch title (Breath of the Wild), is the best game of the Nintendo Switch?

Zane Dukes

Yo CLCs Y'all continually praise the Minnmax community on being the nicest place on the internet? What is it about our community that makes us not as awful as the rest of the internet? Why is the video game community in general so awful?

Zane Dukes

You have unlimited resources to expose a huge problem in the video game industry. You call in Ronan Farrow. What direction do you point him at and say "chopper. Sic balls"?


Is there anything worse than the console race influencing articles stating X has an edge over Y because of Z? I know it’s entirely my fault that these articles keep appearing in my news feed because I click on them with zero hesitation, but why is it so many journalists neglect to state that they’re forming an opinion rather than a factual statement? The negativity and fanboy culture drove me to purchasing a decent enough gaming pc just to escape it.


From Nick in Atlanta Hey two N crew, Just curious, what are your vacation plans for 2020? Everyone needs a break. Also, can we put this idea out in the universe..... The world needs a zombie ate my neighbors remake. I have spoken, this is the way. Love you guys.


Hey guys! So I'm a huge fan of the Nintendo Switch. I've been playing it all the time recently, and see so many positives overall. But it also feels like there's so much untapped potential. There are still so many ways for this console to improve and we're just a few weeks away from the 3 year anniversary of the launch. One thing in particular that has been especially bad has been the lack of virtual console, and the manner in which they've released NES and most recently, SNES games. There's no excitement for these, there's no consistent schedule, and as the most recent batch shows, it doesn't seem like Nintendo really cares. This is such a no brainer for Nintendo with their immense back catalog, and consumers hungry to purchase or even have Netflix style access to their content. Despite having so many games to play, it drives me crazy that Nintendo can't figure this out. Should there be more pressure on Nintendo to get this figured out? I feel like this topic deserves a lot more discussion. It seems like most people just chalk it up to Nintendo being Nintendo, or *it's only $20 a year. " We should expect more in my opinion. Are we just forever doomed to deal with the inevitable bad Nintendo decisions we've suffered through over the years in regards to their online and back catalog? Thanks, Jared B.


Hey Mighty Maxers! What games in recent memory hooked you from beginning to end? Most of the time I get tired of a game in the final stretch and just want it to end. Even with a shorter game like Outer Worlds I felt like it went on a little too long.


Hello, Ben and the Dancin' Hansons! When I was growing up, I probably spent way more time reading Sonic the Hedgehog comics than playing the games in the years between Sonic & Knuckles and Sonic Adventure. More recently, I started reading IDW's Read Only Memories mini-series, which I think I might be enjoying even more than the game it was based on. My question for you: What game universes do you think might work well in comic form? Personally, I'd love to read a Psychonauts comic! Thanks! ❤️ Tyler in Portland


Ben, etc. Do you believe that the developer has any right to an expectation that you play their game in a certain way? For example, if someone plays metal gear as a run and gun third-person shooter and hates it, are they doing the game a disservice? What if they love it and hate it as a stealth game? Is it the developer's responsibility to limit the gameplay to those options they want players to explore?