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Welcome back to MinnFAQs, our weekly Q&A for $20 supporters! We have a lot of ground to cover on this week's show, from YouTube analytics to Masters of the Universe...

Also, this Sunday February 23rd at 6pm Central is YOUR chance to call in and ask us anything you  want or just hang out for a while! We'll be pulling callers from the MinnFAQs channel on Discord for $20 supporters, so please consider jumping in and helping out!



When are we getting Mark McDonald or John Ricciardi on to talk about Japan, Games, and Japanese games? Or just John to talk all about the new Yakuza game. Sure they're both busy as all sin, but it's worth a try?


Nothing lame about Endgame, it was easily in my top five for that year!


Uncut Gems was great but I was too stressed out while watching it to say it’s one of my favorite movies from last year. The Lighthouse was my favorite low budget kinda movie from last year even though it was also super unsettling. Dafoe is a national treasure and Robert Eggers has cemented himself as a master of horror in my opinion between this and The Witch.