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We're sorry that so many of our spoiler-filled conversations so far at MinnMax have been about Star Wars, but there's a lot to unpack here. Immediately after seeing the final film in the Skywalker saga, I rushed home to meet Ross "The Star Wars Guy" Pfund and attempt to unpack all of our thoughts. Don't listen to this if you haven't seen the film, it's nothing but spoilers! If you enjoy this conversation, don't miss our commentary tracks for The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi on the Patreon. Let us know what you think of the film in the comments below... we need help with this one.

If you prefer to watch the video, the YouTube version will be ready to go soon right here -  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=246kIMEKv2A&feature=youtu.be



Just got out of seeing it. Looking forward to this so I can unpack what I saw.


As much as I appreciate the Star Wars spoilercasts I agree that you should branch out. Do Watchmen next! I still think Suriel should do a (non spoiler) review about Undone to spread the word too! It's a short, inventive sci fi show that suits MinnMax's tastes and audience. Also, in terms of big IP based TV shows the new Harley Quinn animated show is surprisingly funny and well made. Better than Mandalorian and much better than Witcher imo.


Loved this! Thank you!


No one I know has seen this movie so I need to share this story before it is lost to the dark corners of my memory. I saw this movie with my father and at the end, where Kylo and Rey kiss, my father blurted out to me in shock, “Aren’t they brother and sister?!” I was in tears trying to contain my laughter in the theater. But he is kind of onto something because I always interpreted their bond as a familial one. Either way, I laughed very hard.


I saw the movie on Friday. It becomes a lot more acceptable when you realize that star wars is just DBZ now and Rey is Goku. It was more fun to view it from that lens personally.


Its honestly my favorite of the sequel trilogy. And for my C3PO was annoying.