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Now's your chance to make the show better! And not just any show, our big show with the full game of the year debate! Leave a question/comment/game as a comment on this Patreon post and there's a good chance we'll read it on this week's episode of The MinnMax Show podcast! This week we'll have Ben Hanson, Kyle Hilliard, Jeff Marchiafava, and Suriel Vazquez.

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GAME! I love seeing what percent of people get achievements I get as a barometer to how difficult something was. I’m often shocked. Using price-is-right rules, who can come closest is guessing the percent of people that finished these 2019 games. This is based off the percent that got whatever achievement is associated with beating the game. Resident evil 2 (both a and b campaigns)- 21.67% Outer Worlds (complete game on any difficulty)- 13.40% Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (complete single player campaign on any difficulty)- 31.86% Gears 5 (complete campaign)- 15.19% Jedi fallen order (complete the story)- 34.98% Borderlands 3- 34.00% Thanks and byyyyyyeeeee


Howdy M&Ms, Does anyone at MinnMax play or know DND? MinnMax one shot DND stream in the future? Have a good one!


Hey guys, with all the negativity surrounding micro transactions in the industry are there any that you have made that you think were totally worth it?


Hey MinnMax Crew, After hearing Ben mention Pete Holmes a couple of times, I’m guessing one or more of you may listen to his podcasts You Made It Weird. (If not, it is pretty amazing, I’ve never missed one!) I would like to ask a questions Pete asks his guests! (Don’t worry, it’s not, “What do you think happens when we die?”) I would like to hear about one of the times you’ve laughed the hardest. Where were you, who were you with, what was happening? Love everything you guys are doing! Thanks for being the coolest!


Since it's Star Wars week, here's a couple fun ones to discuss: 1) What game/franchise do you wish was more like Star Wars? 2) What game/franchise do you think Star Wars could learn from?


Hey everyone, I just became a patron to you guys because I enjoy the work you do! My question is how do you manage playing games? I get home around 6 and after the gym its already 7. Then dinner and then a few hours until I have to go to bed. I have so many unfinished games between RE2 Remake, Yakuza Kiwami, BotW, Three Houses, Pokemon Shield, and The Outer Worlds all of which I am playing a bit when I can.


Hello God's Country 😊 Best non-2019 game you played this year? Any 2019 games you especially look forward to playing more in 2020?


So new Star Wars apparently sucks, do you think since disney bought Star Wars have they helped or hurt the franchise overall? I’ve lost almost all enthusiasm for them, the new films have been a mess IMO.


The hype around the FF7 remake confuses me. Even when it comes to my favorite games and studios, I'd still rather they make new games or sequels than remake something I already played. I know the FF7 remake will be very different then the original, but it definitely feels a massive ball and chain on a studio that already has trouble putting out new games at a reasonable pace. So why are Final Fantasy fans not bummed out about this.


Hey Ben, I listened to your commentary tracks for The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi, and while I don't necessarily share your enthusiasm for the movies, I enjoyed the commentary all the same. Is there any chance you and the crew can tackle the MCU now that the Infinity Saga has ostensibly wrapped up? I know cutting commentary for 22 films is a much bigger task than 2, but your opinions are fun to hear nonetheless.


There is a lot of talk about whether Disney should pull the Star Wars right from EA and give them to someone else. Personally I think they should pull the exclusivity rights and instead license it out to various developers & publishers. This way, we can still get more games like Battlefront & Fallen Order as well as open up the potential for more quality and more varied games. If this were to happen, what type of Star Wars game would you like to see and who would you want to develop it? Thanks!


Everyone has examples of the best written stories in games, or the best written characters. Some people will even go so far as to say that video game writing is beginning to surpass movies, yet games still seem so far behind in being able to write convincing romance arcs that don't feel awkward and diminishing of the overall story. What do you feel needs to be changed to fix this? Personally for me the romances in games feel like you're just filling an exp bar by giving gifts or hitting conversation options instead of actually getting to know characters. I also think it would be a bold choice if a game let you work on a romance with another person only to have that character just be not that into you. Thanks!