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We're proud to introduce you all to The MinnMax Awards! On this week's episode, we're happy to air our big debate in its entirety and lock down the winner and runner-up for a cavalcade of categories. Please let us know what we got wrong in the comments. Next week on the show we'll be tackling our full Game of the Year discussions in a similar format. We hope you enjoy this big episode!

To jump to a particular point in the discussion, check out the time stamps below.

9:15 - The Biggest News

45:12 -  The “Oh, that came out this year?" Award

1:03:26 -  The Game We All Agree is Probably Good But We Didn’t Play

1:15:28 - Dumbest Thing

1:32:40 - Favorite Thing

1:50:30 - Best Podcast Game

2:02:00 - The Honorary "Good Job, Capcom" Award

2:12:47 - The Greatest Work Of Art Of All Time For 2019

2:17:10 - The Most Aggressively Mediocre Game

2:22:55 - Best Character

2:32:00 - Best Moment

3:03:40 - Thanks To Our Biggest Patreon Supporters

3:07:40 - Community Questions

3:31:35 - Get A Load Of This



For biggest news stories I think you forgot Riot's sexual harassment lawsuit settlement. "Biggest" is such a nebulous word that can be interpreted to mean anything, but that story and Blizzard/Hong Kong are certainly the "most important" for the industry going forward


Random thought since you guys brought up the hbomberguy stream from this year: I went to school with AOC and wish I’d known back then she was so into the N64, I might’ve worked up the courage to talk to her lol. It’s been cool to see her do so well in congress though, repping the delinquent yorktown high school class of ‘07.


I didn’t know her that well but in class she was always outgoing and raised her hand to answer questions all the time. She seemed really smart and motivated, and had a lot of friends without being part of the annoying branch of popular kids. Everyone used to call her “sandy” too but that isn’t really fitting for a congresswoman I guess.


Hey guys, enjoyed the show, it was a fun listen! I think the dancing around spoilers (specifically in the best moment category) hurt the discussion though. I think giving a spoiler warning and then diving into the actual moments would make it easier to compare moments, and also make for more interesting discussion. Looking forward to next weeks show!

Mr Pop

This might be my favorite episode so far. Love the length, the discussions were solid... thank you so much for this. Really helps with the holiday grind at work!


Alexandria -> Sandy is kinda similar I guess? A bit of a stretch, but it’s what she went by.

Jake Z

SPOILER FOR LUIGI'S MANSION 3: I do not understand how the kaiju scene was not up for moment of the year! It's sublime!

Jake Z

I really loved Ben expressing his distaste for Trover Saves the Universe even though I really enjoyed that game. This is what makes these discussions so fun! Giving reasons for why you don't like a game is just as useful as giving reasons you do like a game. Don't be afraid to be negative! I wanna know why Suriel probably won't play anymore of Outer Wilds! I'm still on the fence about buying that game, and I want to know why someone would dislike it, considering most of the talk of it has been entirely positive. "It's not for me" is not useful for others deciding which games to play.


As the person who wrote into the GI show a while back to point out how good Capcom has been doing, when the crew came up with “Good job Capcom,” I feel honored to have helped in naming a category. Also Shadowbringers for game you didn’t play that’s supposed to be good. I’ll get to that game some day...


The CTR remaster was definitely a “That came out this year?” I played through the story campaign in a couple days and played a couple online races and then I totally forgot about it. And I loved the original.


Come on guys, positive podcast. You've made fun of apex because you guys don't play it, made fun of the muppets skit, and insulted a dev for his sports jacket. :(

Matt Sayer

Love the quirky categories Max-a-Minnions! Refreshing alternative to the standard genre-specific awards. Keep up the great work :)


I think podcast game of the year for me, is Lonely Mountains Downhill. It has a very addictive gameplay loop, no dialogue (or even music), and simplicity that was made for listening to a great podcast and biking down hill! I played it and watched the last Jedi with MM commentary the other day and it was a great time


Respawn won theThe Honorary "Good Job, Capcom" Award for no loot boxes... but what about the whole loot issue with axe costing crazy amounts. so they did have loot boxes in it