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Now's your chance to make the show better! Leave a question/comment/game as a comment on this Patreon post and there's a good chance we'll read it on this week's episode of The MinnMax Show podcast! This week we'll have Ben Hanson, Kyle Hilliard, Jeff Marchiafava, and Suriel Vazquez.

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Thom Blackburn

Do you have a favorite games journalist/content creator/critic/whatever they prefer to be called?


Hi guys, Ben has stated in past shows that he's a big fan of Easy Allies. Kyle Bosman recently wore a MinnMax shirt on an episode of their podcast and it makes me happy to see some of my favorite content creators showing love for each other. Have there been any discussions on possible collaborations with them or is that something you would even like to do?


Hey Minnions, are there any plans to podcast (or even record video) of Minn Max GOTY deliberations?


Hay buds, I recently was reminded that Shin Megami Tensei was a series and remembered that SMT5 was announced around the announcement of the switch. The official websight hasn't really changed sence. Do you think it might be a dead or shelved project? What are some games that where announced that seem to have just dissapeard or never got an update that you where excited for? Are you still holding out that it might still be a thing? I know I'm still excited.

Mark Cruz

Hello, easy question non game related to mix it up. I recently moved from California to New York, Can you give me some tips for winter? To give some Perspective on my level for cold weather (novice) a few days ago I saw snow for the first time. Thanks.


Simple question:. Buy me a Cybertruck! Ok, that is not a question. The End.


Hello "2Ns" (its pronounced toons) My Q: EVE Online released May 6, 2003... It will never make any GOTY lists but its still living on. How do the older MMOs survive in the this age of live serivce games and do you ever indulge in some older games that still keep on keeping on?


Hi MinnMen. I’m listening to your Best Games of the Decade episode, and I’m wondering - for someone like myself who hasn’t played a “modern game” in more than a decade (we don’t have to talk about it), what is the one game that you would most regret having never played?


What's up, MinnMaxians? With the final installment of the Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove coming out this week, what are your guys' thoughts on the series as a whole? Personally, I find it incredible that Yacht Club games went above and beyond and released what is essentially 4 complete games for the price of one. Yet, I don't often hear the gaming media talk about how them. Are these games being overlooked as DLC, or am I just missing all the chatter on them?


If you could choose one game that you could continue to play, but doing so would prevent you from playing all past and future games from that studio, which game would you choose?