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Hello beloved supporters! We have an extra early episode of The MinnMax Show for you this week, and it features a surprise special guest! As always, thanks for supporting MinnMax on Patreon and sharing the show with your friends!

To jump to a particular point in the discussion, check out the time stamps below.

9:45 - The future of Mass Effect
25:30 - Death Stranding
53:26 - Pistol Whip
56:11 - Disco Elysium
1:02:45 - Thank you the biggest MinnMax supporters on Patreon
1:04:04 - Community questions
2:30:24 - Get A Load Of This



One of the highlights of my week


Wanted Tack, but Javy will do.


More Dan impressions please! I'm sure he likes them too cause they're so accurate!


More Javy....all the time...please and thanks


Does this no longer appear on the RSS Feed for anybody else, or am I just crazy? Thanks for any help.


The 50 year old rednecks I work with say The Flash is more identifiable. There’s

Jake Z

Wow, didn't know that's what you studied Ben! I'm disappointed you haven't graced us with your theories of what Derrida, Foucault, and Lacan would say about The Outer Worlds! Lol


The Flash IS more identifiable. Is this even a question?


As a female patron, the discussion about that in this podcast was super weird

John Ford

So maybe the 90% male thing has something to do with almost all of your audience at this point still being inherited from Gamestop Powerup Rewards upsells? (ahem: https://kotaku.com/gamestops-how-to-talk-to-women-and-shill-wii-non-games-5159031) Maybe as you continue to build your own identity - and hopefully find ways to include diverse and female voices - that will start to organically balance out?


Even tho female gamers make up a huge part of the market, I feel as if most of them don't go as far as men do in watching content, participating in discussion, and keeping up with recent releases, future releases, and industry news. I know it seems like I'm painting with a broad brush, but I talk games all the time at my job, and even tho some women will talk about games, it's the guys who seem more knowledgeable and up to date. In a bartender btw, so I get ppl from ALL walks of life. That's just my personal experiences


Hi :) female gamer here. There are a ton of us around and I think you should put that paint brush away. I own all the consoles, a gaming comp and my first purchase with saved birthday and holiday money was the OG Gameboy. I am also friends with other gal gamers. We are out there, but it is still very much an industry and world that makes it harder for us to be visible without being trolled. Love GI (apart from GameStop) and absolutely love what the MinnMax crew have going here. Keep it up and if you are able to have some ladies on for reviews then I'd totally be down for that!