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On Tuesday morning we're recording our first episode of The Deepest Dive on The Outer Worlds from Obsidian, and we need your input! Please leave a comment with your specific feedback on the game up until you land on the planet Monarch, please don't spoil anything after that moment.

Please keep your comment specific and to the point, we want granular levels of detail for the community game club discussion. The odds of us reading "I love The Outer Worlds" are much lower than "Parvarti really struck a chord with me when she said _____" or "I found this specific weapon to be useful in this specific situation." You know the drill, let's get specific. 

Just as a reminder, this game club discussion will be airing on Wednesday as a public YouTube video with the audio going in the exclusive audio RSS feed. Subscribe to our YouTube channel and get ready for a fun discussion! https://www.youtube.com/minnmaxgames




Upon opening the map for the first time and clearly seeing fast travel points to lots of locations made me so happy. The game fully respects the players time and the UI is incredibly easy to understand. Boiling down ammo types to Light, Heavy, and Energy make ammo management so much easier. So far the game seems a bit easy, but I am still loving what I have played so far.


For me, the writing, design, setting, characters...most of the game is a 10. The inventory management has enough issues to drag it down though, and the combat is maybe a 6. I was excited to have a melee- focused character but the combat just feels completely weightless. A pull of the trigger feels the same if you hit an enemy as if you are swinging through empty air, and the shooting doesn't feel much better. Just feels dated, and bad. I hope being acquired by Microsoft gives Obsidian the chance to rehaul their engines and allow the combat to catch up to the rest of the incredible game.


So when Gladys sent me to Terra-2 (Roseway) to gather secrets about Auntie Cleo, I had no idea she was asking me to collect physical objects to deliver to her and that's what would get me the money to go to Monarch. So I went about my business, gathered stuff at Roseway and gave it to the people asking for it, which left nothing to sell back to Gladys. This kinda frustrated me because I still didn't have the money to get to Monarch, but I rolled with it and RPed it. Yeah, GLADYS, I'm not gonna be controlled by you, I'll find my OWN way to Monarch. So instead of paying her the 10,000 ridiculous bits to get the key to Monarch, I landed in the dangerous part of Monarch and will be walking to the mission point. It was a mistake at first, but it led to a moment where I could roleplay my own lack of attention to detail, and find that my character is someone who doesn't want to bow to people, even if it's not The Board.


Hey MinnMax Crew, you asked for some very detailed observations from the game that I enjoyed so I am here to oblige. I really love the loading screens in this game. I'm not sure if you've noticed but the more you progress in the game the more the loading screens change. For instance when you first get the Unreliable you start getting prompts and logo's for the Unreliable that you didn't get before you had the ship. Similarly depending on your choice for the Power mission in Edgewater and what you do you will get a kind of "Breaking News" style ad at the loading screen for whatever the outcome of that mission was. It's a pretty neat detail that sort of catalogs your adventures as you go. The humor of the game also carries over really well into the loading screen. For example there is a prompt at the bottom where the game tips normally appear that I've seen which says something along the line of "your game tips could appear here" as if it is a prompt to sell ad space in the tip area. I found that really clever and fitting well into the hyper-capitalism theme's the game presents and it's just one of a laundry list of little things in the game that I appreciate humor-wise. I also really appreciate the humor in the writing and the small details present there too. In reading some of the computer messages sent from Junlei Tennyson to Parvati, Junlei's message ends in an obvious typo. The next line down is a follow up from her cursing the autocorrect feature on whatever she was composing the message on. That type of realism in the humor is so effective for me and I really appreciate that. What small details have you enjoyed most?


Hey guys, did you talk to Martin Callahan (The Spacers Choice Moon Salesguy on the Groundbreaker). Listening to his sales pitch and subsequently his backstory is hilarious. He gets more and more depressed the more you press him about it and all he has to fall back on are his slogans and sales lines. It's one of the funniest conversations in the game up to that point for me and if you take your companion Ellie back to talk to him after you pick her up there is some additional dialogue there where she starts picking on him that's really good too. What dialogue moments are your favorite in the game so far?


Hey guys! Super stoked for the first Deep Dive! So far the game is great, though there are quite a few short comings the game has, but overall I'm enjoying the experience. The only thing I'm gonna bring up is why can't I dig up graves in an Obsidian game? I'm on Super Nova difficulty and I need every bit of help I can get, so when I found not only a shovel but also a spade near Edgewater, I was excited to get some loot through the nefarious means of grave robbing. Turns out it's not possible in the outer worlds, which is odd because in Fallout 2 and New Vegas you could grave rob, and even get branded a grave robber for the rest of your playthrough in Fallout 2. Thanks for the deep dave and I'm excited for the next episode!


You guys thought about using any mods yet? I hate encumbrance and have been thinking about maybe using a mod to get rid of it. Do you think encumbrance add to the experience in some way?

Mike Sweet

That annoyed me a little bit too. I ended up getting stuff on Roseway but figured I'd rather someone that might know what to do with the information deserves it more. One of the options for the "boss" of Roseway is "you're a jackass and I don't work for jackasses" and I happily picked that one after selling his data and the gun plans to Gladys.


The first hour or so I wasn't really feeling the game, but then the comedic timing of the Vicar getting his banned book and saying "It's in fucking French!? I can't fucking read French!" gave me a good chuckle. Hope for more joke timings like that.


I'm playing on hard and woof are those first couple hours rough in that you take so much damage and cannot really be tactical; it gets a little bit easier as you gain more equipment and levels but still... Apparently, I'm a kleptomaniac because I ransacked every nook and cranny in Edgewater and stole EVERYTHING sans the stuff in the marauder's b.o.o. though I haven't stolen nearly enough from Groundbreaker...too many eyes! My conclusion to the Reed/Adelaide issue (Reed left and Adelaide took over) was probably my favorite thing aside from many of the NPC's sardonic wit. So far I think my favorite character is Pavarti. I Love how earnest Pavarti is kind of like who Kaylee is on Firefly. I haven't quite landed on Monarch yet and still have a few missions to tend to before getting there but so far, I'm loving the game and cannot wait to continue the story!


Good jokes so far: Sign in the saltuna cannery reading "Loose lips? Pink slips!" When talking to Silas the Inhumer during the quest where you are collecting his gravesite fees, he tells you to dig up some more dirt in the backroom of Conrad's barbershop. One of your response options is "Are you talking about 'extortion'?" to which he responds very matter-of-factly "Ah that's the word! Extortion! Been on the tip of my tongue all day."

DJ Tommy Pizza

Hey Ben, Kyle, Suriel, and Jeff! Loving Outer Worlds so far, really nailed the early Bioware + Fallout formula. I personally get a little bit of a Firefly vibe too, especially from talking with Reed Tobson and Pavarti in Edgewater. Also wish there was some way to further customize my avatar's armor with color choices but I'll be fine since I really only see him in the Inventory screen. Can't wait to hear your thoughts as well!