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We're happy to reveal a new $10 tier! If you choose to support MinnMax at the $10 level, you can help us choose which game to stream every Tuesday and which game should be the focus of our next Deepest Dive community game club by voting in a poll. Deepest thanks to everybody for upgrading to the tier! Oh, and obviously you'll be included in these votes if you support above the $10 level.

Thanks to your generous support and help sharing the word about MinnMax, The MinnMax Show is now the #1 video game podcast on iTunes! The podcast is also available on Spotify and we're still waiting for approval from Google Play... 

Please subscribe on iTunes here - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-minnmax-show/id1484599827



Wow you guys really move fast! thanks for following up on the communities feedback extremely quickly!


This is Awesome. Congrats MNX.


The $10 tier has locked me out of the Q&A but when I move down to 5 it is open again.


This is almost as awesome as a regular D&D livestream!


This would appeal more to me personally if I had an idea of what games you’ll be voting on for the next deepest dive...and/or explain if we pick the options and the winner or just the winner


The next Deepest Dive is still up in the air, you'll pick the winner from options for the stream.


Hmmm, i thought i would be able to contribute as a $5 tier supporter. I'm sure things will fall into place as things progress. I hope there's still opportunities to contribute via discord or other places.


I've upgraded! I know it's early days but are you planning on doing a few old game deep dives or focus mainly on new releases? I appreciate the majority of the community are probably keen to play current games but I always like the occasional fresh look at an older game. I know it is open to the vote but just wondered if some older games would be offered.


You can count me in, sir! Really glad you added a $10 option, I like a nice round number. ;) Edit: Just wanted to add that it locked the $5 tier post for The MinnMax Show Podcast when I upgraded to $10, atleast for me. A bug maybe? Just a heads-up!