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The more I get into this, the more I realize how little I actually know.  Some things that appear to be easy are actually a major pain.

As of this moment, I have the Windows 10 binary available.  The animations are coming along somewhat, and getting better.  I can't seem to get proper sprite sheets generated (bought TexturePacker and having problems with arrangements).  I'd like to get these to work in the future to create more fluid animations.

Still not sure how to do Arrow Key + regular keys, so right now Duke and do four punches:

Q is high jab, 

W is high straight

A is low jab, and

S is low straight.

As for movement:

Up returns Duke to Idle,

Down makes Duke staggered,

Right makes Duke roll, and

Left makes Duke block with his left.

You can punch Brutus and his healthcare ... autocorrect changes healthbar ... goes down.  You can knock him down if you get his health to zero and then the count-out starts.

You can now get Brutus to do things:

T makes Brutus Jab

Y makes Brutus throw a right

U makes Brutus drive a huge powerful uppercut.

O makes him tap his gloves (used that to test sound).

You may notice there's some cheesy 8-bit music going on which can be turned off by hitting M right now.

Also realizing how few decent sound effects I have.  For example, I'd like to find some referee-sounding count outs or better grunts.  I know I don't have any female ones at all, so that's going to be fun.

I'm locking the resolution to 1920x1080 windowed.  Not sure if that will change in the future.

I've had someone else test this and I believe all that's needed is the EXE and PCK files.   For those with macOS I can provide binaries if requested.  Just slip it into the comments.



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