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Just have to state again just how much this allergy season has been a living hell.

When it kicks in, productivity goes to zero.  If I take the OTC meds, it goes to zero.

This was the ONLY decent thing about Toronto when I lived there.  Allergies weren't bad at all, almost non-existent.

Just ranting.

The game has a tentative title: Slugfest.

BTW, I switched over from Unity to Godot for the boxing game.  Got the match UI done (wasn't terribly hard) and it's pretty functional (health bars, timer) but having problems with:

* input control -- haven't figured out how/if it's possible to do key combinations (i.e., Up+Attack) without using CTRL or SHIFT.  If I were to release the game, how annoying would people find it if those were the attack keys?

* animations -- while the signalling mechanism in Godot will make certain kinds of animations easier, I still haven't figured out how to process them in ways without testing/hardcoding for when animations are done, though AnimationPlayer should provide that functionality.



I am having a miserable time too, with sinus congestion and coughing, and the other usual symptoms.