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I took my learnings from the dragon feet figure and applied them to the Daz Pobobawa feet, and now I have a second monster feet figure to use with V4. The last image shows what they looked like in their default state, for comparison.

Here's what I had to do:

  • moved the joint centers to match the V4 ones
  • adjusted the default position of the feet to compensate for the new joint centers
  • added a morph target to match the tops of the ankles to V4's 
  • made the materials not look like crap (seriously, they had zero texture before)
  • added a transparency map to make the tops of the ankles blend into V4 (no easy feat, since the textures had no templates or obvious layout, so I had to paint and render repeatedly to "find" where the tops of the ankles were)

Now I gotta figure out which ones of these is going to work better for bursting out of a high heel shoe... and also how to burst a high heel shoe in 3D.




I'd like to know where you got these feet from. For science.

Bruce W. Liu

The effort paid off.


https://www.daz3d.com/popobawa-for-genesis PM me if you get it and want my version fitted for V4.


Have you considered having the foot grow up out of the shoe, instead of bursting it?


I did consider that, though I opted for the harder route because I thought it was more realistic. I'll post the results tomorrow.