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A Sequel to Out of Her Gourd. I say "a sequel" instead of "the sequel" because this isn't precisely on point with the poll outcome, so I might do a different sequel with "Orla" that's a bit more "parasite invaders" related in the future.

Carolyn (she has a name now!) was taken over (in the first part) by a pumpkin that was more than it appeared. Now "Orla" is deciding what to do with the other pumpkin, and it seems it is "on the menu" so to speak. Orla absorbs the pumpkin into her new body, increasing her "attributes", but not enough to satisfy. Clearly, something with more... oomph is needed to give Orla what she needs...

This is probably not what most of you were expecting, but I feel-like/hope many of you are going to enjoy this a lot!

This idea comes to us from Daruak who suggested it to me some time ago. I couldn't stop thinking about it, so I decided to just make it! Daruak helped me out quite a lot while making this: helping me come up with the layout and story, reviewing each page and providing feedback, and writing all the dialogue and sound effects.

This sort of collaboration is great, because it takes a lot of the burden off me so I can focus more on the visual art, and because getting feedback early and often is very helpful for producing better art with less wasted time!

So thanks again Daruak!



David Rodoy

That was pretty damn good, you're not wrong :)


Wow, I especially love how she pushes her arms into hers and her head into hers. Totally up my alley. I'd love to see this branch continued. Outstanding work!❤❤❤


Don't forget the legs! I definitely like the "body parts moving around inside the host body" idea, I've been meaning to do it to this extent for a long time


Respect it is really god :)

Tim Burton

It’s a shame that this and the succubus comic aren’t animated you did great work


this was perfect, plz continue


Quality work as always. Love the attention to detail !


I might do a "light animation" version of this, we'll see. But I probably should give that treatment to part 1 first


well obviously there are ideas about what would happen next, but I have to circle back to other projects firs




You need to make an animated version


Some parts of it will have a small animation, but not the entire thing


Love it hope to see another one


Thanks! We did have a plan for a sequel, but other things took precendence.

Amelie Richter

Just saw this one and I love it!