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The key to quality service is to make every customer feel like a VIP.




Brilliant! Trisha has grown to become a model employee!

Julien Souvenir

some more size to her breast, slimer waist. a bit more lips and she will be good


I'm curious; what does Trisha think of all of this?

Matt Zenn

I'm hoping the last pic in the sequence (or a bonus pic) is Trisha acting as mentor for the new new girl.


I definitely do not think we need to ever see her having sex. I do like the idea of her being the one to mentor a new girl (I even said that on an earlier pic)


We'll soon see. I had a couple versions on how to conclude the series and that was one of them.

Matt Zenn

Given the teasy tone of the series I suspect sex would be for a possible follow up pic rather than in the series itself...but I also get what you're saying. 😁


Here is my headcannon (Beware its long-ish) she originally hated the idea of working at cha-cha's but needed the job. By the end of her first pay period she hadn't had too much of a bad time and enjoyed the peppiness of all the other girls. A big difference from many of her friends in other circles. She figured any of the growth was just her finally going through a "late bloom" or something. She soon figured out the girls were doing much better than her in tips, and their view on life was so much more fun! As she filled out it became easier and easier to downplay it and just have fun! Plus all the guys were enjoying it, even if it was a little weird. Soon enough her and the girls are having a blast at work each day! She can't be worried about something so tribial as some bigger titties! Plus the thought of them getting a bit bigger and making all the guys gets her all randy! Especially when she can feel their excitement pressing into her bubble of a butt when she's giving a table the 'VIP' treatment! Trish really needs to find a way to blow off some of the hornies, the stories from the other girls always make her so hot! Plus the guys at table two have been eye-fucking her all day and she needs to show them how much she appreciates it!


the whole, idk, "point" of the series is that we're only seeing her bimbofication as it pertains to her role as a waitress. seems weird to then show her just straight-up having sex at the end. in my opinion, anyways


My interpretation is that of a transformative positive feedback loop based on customer approval. Whenever a customer compliments her on something, or tips extra because of something, that trait becomes a little more prominent. So, someone likes her hair, and it gets a touch more voluminous. She bent over in front of someone, they liked what they saw, and she gets a bit more booty. She acts a little flirty, and that becomes less an act and more her default personality. Trisha probably justifies away a lot of these changes as just habits she's getting into, or eating too much of the free lunches for staff. And of course, the more she changes, the more people notice and *appreciate* her new features, so they get more attention, and grow even faster. An endless series of rationalizations as she fails to notice how much she's changing, past "oh well, it makes the customers happy!"