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It's adorable watching diners get nervous when she approaches the table.




Oh dang, she's really getting big now.


Cha-Chas girls always serving up cake... and not just the baked goods.


Ahh, I just love the storytelling here. Very nice to see this tease before the big reveal. It's also just nice to see a character slowly acclimate and become more comfortable with her work. That's a goal we all dream of! I humorously wonder if, after the shift is over and while chilling at home, the girls ease off of on the Cha-Chas drawl and speak normally (or semi-normally). Trisha casually recounting all of the "fun" moments of the day to her roommate (or SO) is a great picture in my head. "Gosh, Patty, that's wild! I wouldn't believe you of all people would play along like that!" "Pshaw, it's no big deal once you get used to it... and the tips are amazing! It got us that record player, remember? And I think I know what else I get get us..." Har har, don't mind my fanfictions - let it be a testament to how much I'm enjoying your work!


Absolutely love how her hair looks here!


It's partially a tease, yes, but also a bit of payoff to page 3's setup. I welcome all the imagining and fanfic head canons. I do the same with other people's work all the time, and it's one of the reasons why I will keep certain details implied or ambiguous in the things I create.


She’s become the superior girl at Cha Chas now


I didn't even notice that this is basically the same pose/situation as page 3. love the callback! Also, was gonna say that i don't consider this a tease because i was waiting for an ass shot anyway lol


I hope that after this story you have prepared a good ration of Accolade, because if not, I will unsubscribe from this site.


I don't plan to keep paying more than for NETFLIX for two crappy cartoons a week


Accolade will indeed resume after this series wraps up. The focus has been to see "Cha-Chas" through to the end before returning to my other ongoing projects.


I'm sorry if you're not enjoying this series. If you're feeling like the subscription cost is too much, remember there are multiple support tiers to choose from that go as low as $1 a month. Every penny helps, and I wouldn't want anyone pledging more than what they're comfortable giving.

Matt Zenn

Mapache. Chill. You're coming off like a jerk. I presume that isn't your goal. If I'm wrong then please carry on.


And who the hell are you? I don't give a shit what you think