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Hey all,

So here's the first peek at the Demo for the revamp of Straight!? 

This includes Day One where Zack and Braden meet for the first time. Major graphic overhaul, sound effects, and music are now part of the experience. I'm already hard at work on the update after this so stay tuned for more. Hopefully, this will give you an idea of what this thing will look like moving forward.

It should be pretty obviously but this is a complete new project so saves from the previous game will probably destroy this thing. Prob not a good idea to try it

Enjoy and lemme know what you think of Day One

As always, use Google Drive only as a last resort, it has limited downloads. Good news is, this file is pretty small this time around.

PC:            MediaFire          Mega             Google Drive 

MAC:        MediaFire          Mega             Google Drive 

Android:  MediaFire          Mega              Google Drive 



Danny Nym

I just played through the original opening and the new demo back to back, and the jump in quality is *incredible*. Awesome job and a great start to the revamp.


Aaryn, really great job! So much improvement. It was like experiencing the first day again from a completely different perspective and lightyears more intense. To get the boys introduced in a so far unknown and different way, but still you have been careful not to alter the "message" of the scenes too much. Good, quiet music selection that suits the boys. Very consistent everything so far, really leaves you wanting more.. and the wetness in the shower scenes.. mhmmm.. so cool! As I said before..that's the way and you have a quite good feeling for it. Please keep going! ;-D


Honestly that’s probably the best way to do it to get the full effect


Dude I was so happy with the wet hair in the shower. It changes everything. Yeah I’ll definitely not alter the message. Least that’s not the intention


Very nice. Looking forward to more.

Jose Pasalodos

This is amazing, I loved the original story and now I find myself looking forward to the familiar in a totally new way. I echo everything Sven says but want to add that I really like the others in the background..the original had a bit of the feeling of the Overlook Hotel in the Shining with no one on the campus but you know someone has been there based on "stuff" strewn about in class..This adds depth visually and emotionally. loving the new look of the story and looking forward to the other improvements.


AAAAH-MAZZZ-ZING!!! I absolutely love the expressions on their faces. Excellent work! I too did the old one before this, and the re-write is superb also. Keep it up man! You're doing great!


Totally loved the remastering of the Beginning: Images, Dialog, Music, the entire Work! Your dedication to the project is certainly paying good dividends!


A wonderful upgrade. You have a reason to be very proud of your work.


Thanks. Yeah, it should be pretty consistently like this moving forward. I agree with the added people giving it more than literal depth. Holy crap those shots are time consuming tho so I have to balance that out


Glad you like the expressions. I’ve been trying to work on those more, especially with Braden. I just really want him to be a unsmiling and expressive character


Thank you. I’m pretty pleased with this. Erosion so far. Hopefully it stays this good or better . The fun part is that it did feel fresh and we get to relive a lot of those moments all over again


That is amazing. I've played through the "pre alpha" version more times than I can count, but this is on a whole other level. Congratulations, Aaryn! You've come so far as a writer, designer and director. Yeah, I'm very much looking forward to the final version of Straight!?, but in all honesty I'm looking forward to your next project even more. You're setting a massively-high bar.


Yes, I totally agree to your points! Aaryn has just began to relaease his potential in this. Up to him, to decide to make something of his gained experience. He still has the appropriate feeling about how to do this and I really hope, he can keep it..even through or after having a lot of success and confirmation ;-) it's all about keeping the inner core, of what you are.. and only this has the ability to touch others really.


haha, dont scare me about future stuff! high bars are intimidating :p


Hi Aaryn, is there any chance this upgraded version will become available on android??


Yep, the demo already is. It was just a late addition to the last post because I was slow and felt terrible at the time. But the demo post already has Android links available and that's the plan moving forward as well. https://www.patreon.com/posts/straight-revamp-72286791


Epic! Probably should have looked before reading I just went with I didn't see it when it was first posted 😂


nah, you're not crazy. It wasn't on the initial post but was added probably 30 minutes after and I slid it in ninja (mostly because I didn't want to annoy people by repinging them. But yep, it's there :)


First section done! Mate you have done amazingly with that! I loved it so much the first time round and this has just excelled it so much! Keep it up bro!


good deal. glad you liked it. I really want this to feel like an upgrade and not just something to drag things out longer. I want this to really count


Finally got it down loaded and watched. Love the updated version!!😍😍


I have faith! (Gay faith. That doesn't involve sky-beings. Except possibly flying unicorns: on that point I remain agnostic.)

Don Linthicum

Wow, great work with the Demo!