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 Hey guys

Quick post today, as we don’t want give away too much just yet… but he’s a teaser for the Super Secret project that’s been worked on behind the scenes. We’re really happy with how it’s turned out and hopefully this will be just the start.   Keep an eye out next week.

While this post is public, the project itself will be released only to Patron supporters.



Georgios Bounias

Hey Aaryn! So, is this Greek on the box??


<img src="https://c10.patreonusercontent.com/4/patreon-comment/eyJ3IjoxNjAwfQ%3D%3D/JgN_Ty9YaFqN9ZoRE85hIH3ndKPvOXUni4RF2NlzGMIh-6jpkgCbTOfPsYM6T67R.jpg?token-time=1691798400&token-hash=rUrzaN3jbHdtMDdzHc8zUb1ui8apZQgItYoGq1v_Anc%3D">

Adam Ferguson

There once was a girl from Purdue, who kept a small cat in a pew. She taught it to speak Alphabetical Greek, but it never got farther than...