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Hey all,

I'm looking for some serious, no bullshit feedback or criticism. I recently advertised the game over on Lemma Soft and received some pretty strong criticism (which I honestly appreciated). Here's the link if you want to check it out yourself:


I prefer transparency in my approach and wanted to share it with others; specifically those of you who are supporting the project personally. Thus, my question to you, is do you prefer the game in it's current state? For example, do you like the stat grinding? OR, would you prefer a more linear visual novel type game? Do you agree with the criticism of the fella at Lemma Soft? This would significantly cut down on the exploration and repetition of events over and over. I would simply write the events or daily tasks in a way that moves the story forward the same way it is now. It just takes the stat grinding (work) out of it. Note: given there would be less grinding, this may shorten the actual gameplay time (if that's something you care about).

A second question: if you are supportive of the game changing to a more linear visual novel, would you be on board with having patience while I convert it? This would probably mean less content over the next update or so as I work out the kinks. 

Honestly, if I was looking for a game conversion, this would be the time to do it. The story is fairly linear in v0.4 (due out in a couple days hopefully) and may be somewhat linear in v0.5 as well--as I tidy up the events from v0.4.

Some other random thoughts to get the conversation going: a linear visual novel format is less intense to program. Given that I have no programming experience, the coding process is somewhat slow as I learn it. Sticking to a visual novel format without stats may speed up my progress and potentially allow for more writing--possibly even implementing additional character routes earlier than anticipated. As the forum post on Lemma states, I'm a much better writer than programmer. Thus, I should work with my strengths.

Right now, I'm entertaining the thought of having less content next update and releasing TWO versions of the game: one the current way and one the new way for people to actually try them out.  Downside is that it is labor intense and I don't wanna waste time on it if you guys are going to hate it.

I need your thoughts, peeps. Don't sugar coat stuff, please



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