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Here's another peek at what's going on...

Good News

Despite the school workload setback, I am actually pretty well on track for the next update to launch about the same time as the previous ones have. I'm still rendering more CGs but right now I've already added 60 new ones, officially making this the most graphic intense update yet!

I'm hoping to release the new update shortly after the first of January but I haven't started any of the testing yet and I'm not sure how chaotic the holidays will be. I remain optimistic right now, though.

As another addition, now that the story has progressed a bit, I've officially gone back to restructure all play up to the last update as the first "chapter." While I intended to do this from the onset, I feared it would be more confusing than anything else. However, now that I have enough content for an entire chapter, it made sense. 

 The "chapter" selection now allows for a feature at the beginning to skip chapters. Thus, starting in v0.4, when you start a new game, you can choose to start playing chapter 2 and completely skip chapter 1. That way you don't have to keep playing the same events over and over every time I release an update. Downside is that your stats will reset as of right now. So even though you start in chapter 2, you'll have zero stats. However, this won't impact your story much in chapter 2 right now so I'm not in a big hurry to fix it. Hopefully, I can get more time to fix this in the future, though. 

Bad News

For those who like to do the repetition of the days in the game to find new items to progress the story, this update is a bit light in that department. It is much more linear than the previous updates. While I added a significant amount of new content, some of this may be unintentionally skipped or overlooked. For example, during daily activities, I've changed some of the wording and brief interactions/dialogue but these won't really have a huge impact on gameplay. Thus, while I've added a lot of new CGs, the actual play time of this update may seem shorter than others; depending on your sense of exploration or if you just rush through and follow the prompts. 

The second part of the bad news is that I really didn't hit the goal of where I wanted the story to be for this update. The CG above shows another new area that pops up in this update and I really wanted this update to end with completion of that event. It will not. The event, once I started writing, was simply too big and the CGs needed to move the story forward during this event were too much for me to fit in. Thus, I had a choice:  1) delay the update--potentially for several weeks to complete that specific event, or 2) drop a cliffhanger in the event that may annoy some people or seem like a gimic. At this point, I would rather slow down and not rush this event. Thus, I've elected to release the game up to that point and risk the cliffhanger. In the course of the story, I think it will actually work better this way than what I previously wanted to do. 

Let me know what you guys thinks or if you have questions. As always, thanks for the support :)




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