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My dear, dear friends. It's no secret that I've been neglecting my Patreon and the Discord server. A while back I did an update video talking about what's been going on in my life and why this has been happening. Basically, I've been struggling with a lot of stuff, and for well over a year that included debilitating insomnia. I'll probably do another update video sometime, but at the moment I'm happy to report that things are going MUCH better. I'm sleeping better, and I'm working to resolve some other issues as well, so I'm finding that I have more energy to give. Because of this, I'd like to revamp the ol' Patreon and start giving you all more attention and bonus content again.

One major change is that I'm doing away with the $15 "Best Friends Plus" tier. I've been learning a lot about myself, and while I want to do more, I think promising to give special attention to the people paying at a higher tier was just not sustainable for me. Maybe someday it will be, but at present it's just not a promise I can make in confidence. I just hate letting people down, and that pressure and stress turned it into something my brain just kept putting off and neglecting ad nauseum. (Inattentive ADHD can be a bummer.) So in a few days I'm going to delete the tier, and the only tier left will be the basic $2 tier. Higher pledges will always be extremely appreciated, but everyone will get the same content regardless of what they pledge.

As for you few who were still pledging at the higher tier, I...don't even know what to say. I can't possibly thank you enough. Continuing to pledge even though I wasn't holding up my end of the deal... Let's just say it means a lot to me to know that there are people who believe that strongly in what I'm doing and feel the desire to support me in such a way. While I can't make up for everything, I would like to at least try to do something special for you. So if you are--or have ever been--a Best Friends Plus member, send an email to my business address: 


In the subject line, put "BEST FRIEND PLUS". Tell me a bit about yourself. Include how long you've been at that tier, if you like. Then feel free to ask any questions or tell me anything you want. I can't make any promises about how quickly I'll be able to answer, but I at least want to give you folks SOMETHING. You can even ask a few questions. I'll do my best to get back to you.

And yes, I'm leaving it up to everyone reading this to be honest LOL. I'm not going to double check that each email is coming from a previous Best Friend Plus member. But I trust you. ;)

As for the rest of you, I can't apologize enough for neglecting to deliver on my other promises of exclusive content. But I also thank you if you've stuck around. And you know what, I really do want to deliver more. Frustratingly, I can't promise that things won't change again if my mental and physical health take another downturn in the future. But I CAN promise that I'll be more transparent about it, so no one is left waiting and guessing.

With all that said, I'm excited to get this all moving again! Stay tuned for some STUFF!

GROUP HUG!!!!!!!



the eternal cycle of guilt with inattentive adhd is rough, please take care of yourself ❤️

Braum Katz

You are an incredible creator, and I think speak for many, many people here when I say we support you, all of you, including the struggles.