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Special Switch launch day edition!  Available to all patrons!



Arlo sacrifices so much so we can have our Nintendo lulz :)


Today was my first "midnight launch" though it was really more like 8 am launch and most of us came at 6 am (I arrived at 4:30 am). It wasn't much of a party but someone did bring donuts and we all chatted and shivered together because it was freezing cold. But when they finally gave us our tickets and let us in the doors it felt like a huge thing, and I was the second one in line so it kind of felt like a huge parade behind me at Target (we were at a Target :P). And I totally bought the collectors edition of Zelda on impulse too! That, and Bomberman R. I hope that game is good. But yeah, that's my story. Woooo Switch hype! :)


Thank you so much for sharing this moment even with us $1 patreons 😘! I'm hoping I'll be able to save up enough for my switch hopefully by this xmas season! Till then lol I got arlo :3


Being an adult truly is terrible. I can attest to that. I have games I bought last Christmas that I haven't got around to playing. Mate you might want to get that wrist looked at, especially considering your youtube work it could evolve into something troublesome. I know you can't exactly take a break but it would be worse if it just got unbearable and you couldn't make videos at all. Even taking a break after all this Switch Stuff might be an idea as you don't want to burn yourself out. Ah the joys of opening a new console. There is a certain magic to it indeed. Everything thing is so new and shiny. Last time I bought a console day one was the Wii and it happened on the day my back account got robbed. Imagine running up to and ATM all excited and finding a big zero in your account. Actually ended up trading in a ton of PS2 games just to get enough money to buy it. Didn't regret it though and I got the money back. Though for the switch I am waiting for a bit till Nintendo gives up the scarcity game and the system has a few more hard hitters.


It was so good! I wanted to talk more, but... Zelda... BURGERS! I had to go man!


Despite missing the preorders and not being able to get the night off (I work nights). I was still able to pick up a switch at about 9 this morning. Sometimes living in a little po-dunk town pays off! I was so excited when they said they still had one, and I think I was vibrating walking out with the bag! There weren't any special edition Zeldas, but I got a cool blue case with Link embossed on it and a Zelda themed spring-loaded cartridge case. Played Zelda waaay too long and now I'm running on very little sleep for work tonight, but I don't care. Worth it ❤.


Oh, and congrats on 1k on your Patreon. Halfway there!


Love these Arlocasts. You're such a trooper for making all these videos before getting to actually play the Switch. Thank you for all your sacrifices haha


The video of your unboxing is so great. I can really feel the joy and happiness you had while unboxing it. It really brought a smile to my face.