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Hey!  'Sup?

Just thought I'd hit you with an update.  Exciting news first, earlier today I had a great Skype chat with GameXplain and a few other awesome Youtubers and we talked all about Color Splash.  It was fun because two of them loved the game and one of them pretty much agreed with me, so we had people on both sides of the argument.  I was really stoked to be invited to do a thing like that, and you can probably expect it to be up on GameXplain's channel sometime soon!  I didn't say too much that didn't come up in my review, but it was fun to talk about it with people in real time.

The 50k fan art special went over great!  It didn't get a ton of views, but I didn't really expect it to, and there were some really awesome comments that made me feel really good.  That was some seriously good fan art, right?  I mean, my gosh, you people!  Now I'm getting another little influx of fan art on Twitter, which is always fun.  I need to start screencapping my favorites now so I don't have to go hunting through my tweets the next time I want to do this.

Dude!  I'm REALLY RIDICULOUSLY CLOSE to my $500 goal!  We got a ton of new patrons after the Color Splash review.  By the way, before I forget, super duper thanks and welcome to any and all new patrons!  We love to have you, so be sure to drop a comment and join the discussion!  These new pledges have pushed me so darn close to the next goal that I'm still reeling.  It feels like it happened so much faster than I could have ever expected, and I can't even describe how much these funds help me.  As I've said in the past, you guys are the only reason I'm going to be able to walk into Best Buy next month and pick up a PS4 Pro.  And I've been meaning to say, I can't thank you guys enough for being cool with me changing the goal a bit.  Now it promises the somewhat noncommittal "a few episodes of Arlo Plays a week."  This is definitely something I think I can manage, so fingers crossed that I can start playing more regularly and have the time to edit all the footage.  And to make all this up to you I'm trying my best to get back on the one-a-week video schedule.  I got a little ahead, then I got behind for a few weeks, but things are normalizing now and I'm working on the next video, which should be up by next Friday, which would mean three successful weeks in a row.  (Swish!  Haha.)

Speaking of which, the next one will definitely be the Mass Effect one.  It's funny; when I'm writing a video I'll often start a script and the intro will just kind of hang there for a while, and every once in a while I'll go and poke at it a bit, but for whatever reason the rest just doesn't come easily to me.  Then one day I'll be reading it and the timing will just be right and I'll start writing the rest.  Something changes and suddenly I'm ready to really delve into the subject and write out my thoughts.  I want to make sure I cover every topic thoroughly, so sometimes I guess I just need to get to that magical point where I'm just ready for whatever reason.  But anyway, I finally hit that with the Mass Effect video, so I'll probably finish writing that soon.  It's going to be tough to collect footage for it though.  I got permission from a guy to use his LP of the entire trilogy, but hunting down certain parts might be tricky.  I think I can get it done in a week though, so we'll see.  I'm excited about it because I really do want to do more non-Nintendo stuff, even though a lot of my viewers probably won't care about it.  But hey, I'm a game guy, not a Nintendo guy!  Gotta broaden my horizons or whatever!

After that I'm on track to finish "the first game that scared me" and HOPEFULLY the "new ideas" video by the end of the month, though I still can't guarantee the latter.  It might have to get pushed and I might have to come up with something else to fill its slot.

Well anyway, that's the stuff that's being stuff n' junk right now.  I'll talk to you soon with another update!



I'm one of your new Patreons and I frickin love the style of videos you make they are original and they make me crack up you your teuly frickin original man lol


Awesome! I keep my eyes peeled on GameXplain's channel...


GameXplain? Cool, love that channel. Fun!


Glad I found your channel a couple days ago. Obviously, it didn't take me long to decide you're worth supporting!


By the way, I hope you gave Andre grief for his scathing Twilight Princess HD review. Haha.


<a href="http://yourethemannowdog.ytmnd.com" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://yourethemannowdog.ytmnd.com</a> just a friendly reminder that this exists.


Hi! I'm one of the new Patreons too! Great to see the next videos are right around the corner! :-) Btw: Did you receive my private message on YouTube?


Punch the blog, for God's sake! Anyway, congratulations on the success. I've been following GameXplain for a good number of years now and have seen them grow. Happy to see a similar evolution happening to you.


I commented on your video as well, but that subscriber special really made my week. Was in the middle of working the entire week, my store has been busy as hell, and I randomly came home to a new Arlo video. I don't need to sit through 45 minutes of you playing a game or something to hope you say something funny, or are generally pleasant to watch. All your videos are either funny or enjoyable, and if I had the money I'd give you way more every month to keep doing it. Glad more people are finding out about your channel and helping you to reach your goals.


Mega huge Mass Effect fan. I can't wait to see what you do with the series. I've played all 3 games time and time again. I know all the lore and trivia, inside and out! Good timing for a video too with Andromeda nearing. I'm a huge supporter of the ending too, I know a massive amount of people weren't but I can't help but feeling that they didn't take the time to really PLAY the game and really explore and become intimate with the characters, story and universe that BioWare built. I'll cut myself short, because I could go on for days, to reiterate: I'm excited for this!