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Hey guys!  Well now you know why I've been super sneaky secret silent for the last week or so.  I got the opportunity to play Paper Mario Color Splash, and literally every spare moment has gone into finishing the game and making the review.  I'm really enjoying reading the comments on it and I'm pleased with the way it turned out.  And it certainly feels good to have it out of the way!  It pretty much pushed everything aside, so now I can finally start working on other stuff again.

That event I was talking about took a lot of my time too, as I was away from home for several days.  I won't bore you with the details, but basically it was a fundraiser show at The Jim Henson Company in Hollywood, and a ton of my idols were there and I got to meet them and even hang out with them before and after the show.  It was a really crazy experience, and I'm so glad I went, even if it put me further behind in the work department.

So now that we're back in gear, I'll be continuing work on my Mass Effect video and my "Nintendo's new concepts" video.  I really want to make sure I do the latter right, so I'm taking a lot of time on it, but I do want to get it out in a timely manner.  (Unlike my Metroid franchise relaunch video, which is so long and complex I really don't know when it will come out.)  I think I'm going to do a video where I thank my fans for getting me to 50k subscribers and showcase some of my favorite fan art I've received.  Trying to decide whether to do that or the Mass Effect one next.  Then there's "The First Game That Ever Scared Me," which I want to do this month, so that will be in there somewhere.  If I could get all four of these videos done by the end of the month I'd be happy, but I'd settle for three.  I guess having a whole spooky-themed month isn't going to be a thing, but the "Nintendo's new concepts" video might get bumped if I think of another good Halloweeny thing.  Also I don't know if I mentioned it, but Halloweeny videos are going to mention the theme "Ocscaretobspookber" and I'm pretty pleased about it.

So that's what you can expect for the next month, but of course I'll keep you updated on how things are going and if things change.  Great big thanks to all my new patrons!  We're so happy to have you!  Also remember you guys can read the last few blogs to get a better idea of these upcoming videos I'm referencing.

Alrighty guys, catch you next time!



Even though Dave Goelz has been the man behind a lot of my favorite Muppets, I've always wanted to meet Frank Oz - he seems like he has a lot of interesting stories to tell, with his various acting/directing credits. On a more relevant note, congrats on the success you've been having lately. That Color Splash review just keeps climbing in views, and you've gotten like 200 subscribers since you posted it. I think like one or two more high view videos will push you to 100K subs very quickly.


Dave is my very favorite Muppet performer (and I got to meet him and his family!!!), but no one still alive is more legendary than Frank Oz. He's the oldest living person associated with the Muppets, been there since just after the beginning. It really would be incredible to meet him. Fortunately he did record a little message that they showed us during the show, so it was SORT OF like I got to see him, heh. And thanks! 100k by the end of the year! Gonna happen!


Awesome! Looking forward to all the new stuff coming out!