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Hello to all you wonderful people, and as usual many many thanks to my newest patrons!  It's great to have you here, take a seat, get comfortable!

Well, E3 is mere days away.  It's of course bittersweet, seeing as Nintendo will largely be MIA.  Everyone keeps reminding me how they're showing more games on their livestream, but I stand by my opinion that only showing previously-announced games is close to worthless without new announcements to hold the whole thing up.  To continue my Christmas analogy, new footage of previously-announced games is akin to getting socks; it's a great present, new socks are just amazing, but if that was all you got you'd still be pretty bummed.  And of course Zelda's plenty of reason to get excited, but I'm still not sure how I feel about it.  I really am more excited for it than I have been for any other game this whole generation (Pikmin 3 being a close second), but that's why I don't want a lot of it spoiled.  Just how much are they going to show in their livestream?  Are they going to blow the lid off of every feature the game has?  Because I just want a taste, just to tide me over until next March.  On the other hand, I might not know if I want the Wii U version or to wait for the NX if I don't know enough about it.

Eh, who am I kidding.  I'll probably end up watching everything.  XP

But anyway, I'm way hyped for the big show.  I love watching every conference, and I'm not exactly sure why.  90% of E3 is shooters and sports games and mobile apps and dudes who don't play video games awkwardly talking about how their games are the best or whatever.  But for some reason I love every minute of it.  It's just fun to watch all the coverage and wait around for those few gems to appear.  If the space for it wasn't so crowded at the moment, I think I would have a good time just being a gaming journalist.  Even if I'm not interested in a lot of games, I just love all the news and reveals and whatnot.  I love keeping up with all of it.

However, even though this year I have little reason to be excited thanks to Nintendo, in a way I'm even MORE excited than usual because of my channel being bigger this time around.  (Last year at this time I think I had something like...200 subscribers?)  As I've said, I want to do some stuff on E3, even if I don't know what it will be yet.  So that's definitely building some hype.

And hey, I'm probably selling the event short.  Even without Nintendo I'm looking forward to seeing more on Horizon: Zero Dawn and learning more about Playstation VR and Sony's mysterious new upgrade that's been rumored for ages.  I figure they've got to have new footage for The Last Guardian by now; I mean it's been a year.  Probably other stuff too, so I've just got to wait and see.  Basically if I know I'm already getting a bunch of socks, that just makes the bigger presents that I'm bound to get all the sweeter.

Well, this has basically become my pre-E3 blog, so I'm going to go up and change the title from "Blog, brah." to "The Pre-E3 Blog."

You guys have a good one, and I'll see you after the show!



Hope we get some good stuff from E3.

yumehop (no. 1 ol' cobb fan)

I love how your blogs are long and a good read! For me, other than Nintendo, I'll be looking forward to the Playstation conference and HOPEFULLY some more reveals of games I want to see (like square enix games and level-5) Did you follow your video "how to pass the time until E3"? Can't believe the days are already so close :D please write more long blogs like this in the future, I really enjoy them~ Thank you for being awesome Arlo, can't wait to see your reactions to some of the new games and whatnot, the week will be hyped anyway!

yumehop (no. 1 ol' cobb fan)

On another note, I see you now have 32 patrons and almost 200$, congratulations!! When I first pledged you were making.. 6$ off patreon.. XD (there were only two patrons at the time) I hope you become even more famous over E3!!