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But first off, how's it going?  I'm feeling a lot better now; my cold's in that annoying stage where it just kind of lingers at a low level for days, but at least the worst of it is over.  And thank goodness it never developed fully into a bronchitis relapse.  The cough was bad for a few days but now it's just a little tickle.  This is probably going into more detail than is necessary, so I'll just say again that I'm starting to feel better.  I'm hoping that my voice will be back to normal by the end of the week.  It cane sometimes take a lot longer than that to sound like myself again, but I'll be sure to hit the studio once it happens.  Not sure with what yet.

Anyway, let's get to it!  I tend to do a lot of debating and planning and obsessing when it comes to money and purchases, especially when things are tight.  ("Frugal" barely begins to describe me, haha.)  And I've been putting off buying a PS4 until it had a lot of games I wanted and I could get them pretty cheap.  I'm not usually the sort of person to buy a game right when it comes out.  Thing is, this naturally conflicts with the life of an aspiring Youtuber.

So basically I've finally made up my mind and for a hyperfrugal dude like me I'm going pretty far out there on a limb.  I'm going to buy a PS4 and start buying games at launch so I can do reviews, which of course means more reviews on the channel.  And this is of course only possible because of all you RIDICULOUSLY AWESOME people here on Patreon.  Up until now I've been using my Patreon money as mere supplemental income to help pay the bills and afford myself more time for videos.  But I realized that I wasn't using what I've got to its full potential, like the parable of the talents.  I was being the dude who buries his cash instead of investing it.

I think this Star Fox review was really what convinced me.  I've made a tiny bit of ad money on it with my meager amount of views, and while it didn't cover the cost of the game, it made me realize that I could get to that point someday.  And the way to start making enough money reviewing games is to build your channel, and that requires reviewing games, you know?  I need to start building my channel into what I want it to be instead of waiting for it to "get bigger" before I "justify" the costs I put into it.  Does that make sense?  I've got to fake it 'til I make it, in a sense.  So with the money I get from here I think it would be silly not to start investing it back into my content.  Then if I grow some more I might start getting free review copies from publishers, which would then mean I was reviewing games at no cost but that of my time.

This is pretty rambly, but hey, I figure maybe someone might potentially be interested in hearing my thought process, heh.  So that's the big news.  I'm going to wait until E3 to see if Sony announces anything big regarding the "Neo" or whatever.  If I don't care about the upgrade I'll probably get a system next month so I can review No Man's Sky.  Otherwise I'll probably wait until November just because that's when new games will come out and there's no sense in reviewing games that have already released.  I'm slightly worried because my gaming tastes are a smidge narrow, so it's not like I'll be able to give a good opinion on every game that releases, but I'm hoping I can do a good amount of them.  (And I'm also hoping I can find the time to play them, but of course that's always an issue.)  And if things start going well and my channel continues to grow, maybe getting an NX next year will end up being a given rather than a slim chance (which it is right now unless they can really blow be away with launch games).

Well that's my story!  I'm pretty excited about the future, and once more I've got to remind you all that you're the only reason I can even consider doing this.  So thanks so much!  Like seriously, SO much!

Catch ya later!



It's quite an investment but i'm sure it will pay off


I really hope this pushes you to the next level! Looking forward to the new reviews


I'm excited for you man, your videos are great and sooner or later one of them is going to push you into the 100K subs tier. I hope this pays off for you.


Can't go wrong with more reviews!


Nice! :-D


No Man's Sky! YAS. ALL THE YAS.