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unfortunately - there were some unpleasant situations that slowed down my work again, but at the moment I managed to solve most of the problems associated with them.

The first major problem - I somewhat underestimated the amount of code that I had to add to the battle script associated with the battle with the robot, as a result, in terms of the number of lines, this code has become more than the code of the previous enemies combined. And there are several reasons for this - firstly - I took into account the ability of Krystal to fight the robot both alone and with ally (tiger), plus I added more quick time inventives (more for the experiment, but nevertheless I wanted to try to diversify the fight somehow, and I have it, in general - it turned out. For the better or for the worse - time will tell), just as I added one more option to this combat code, namely - if the enemy hits Krystal hard, and at the same time she is with a partner - if Krystal has first-aid kits (steampacks) - her partner uses one of those on her to restore health. If there are no first-aid kits, health will not be replenished. If Krystal goes into battle alone, this option will also not be available.

The second extremely unpleasant problem - as soon as the main code of my game project exceeded 60,000 lines (yes, it is really that big, but about 25 thousand lines is a combat script) - the program stopped highlighting special characters and transitions in my code and it all began to look as a text file. Of course, someone can say that on the Ren'Py engine you can split the code into different sections (and this is true), but for some reason, when you try to split - when you try to run the project, strange errors start to jump out. And they do not disappear even if you return the code as it was, and the only way to fix the problem is to delete the project and use its backup copy as a replacement. I do not know how and why it works in this direction, but unfortunately it is so. Perhaps this is due to some basic symbols in my code that are associated with special moments (such as quick time, random selection, level maps, etc.), but I already have had strange conflicts in the past in the work of these codes in conjunction with each other, way the solutions of which were also not standard, and in fact - I'm still surprised that all this time after the code did not give serious errors ...  Anyway - I decided not to risk it and downloaded another code editor, and now I'm coding in that one, and then copying all the code from there and replacing the code in the main editor. So-so idea, but so far it works. Well, fortunately the Ren'Py engine continues to produce a game project even with more than 60 thousand code in one section, so as long as the main thing works - I will not make major adjustments to the code - I already spent too much time on this update.

I think that today and tomorrow I will try to finish work on the combat code and the story part of the update in general, and then I will start shooting adult content between Krystal and the tigress.


Well, and at the end of the post - some good news in order to dilute the negative a little:

I finally managed to figure out how the BOM stuff works in Second Life, so now I can finally add shine to all the necessary elements of the body (unfortunately - the choice is a bit limited, but nevertheless), and now I can fully use all the updated elements of the sexual direction. I think - I will demonstrate this in a future video with an updated version of Krystal, but maybe I will also try to cheat on my classic version of Krystal too.

Thank You for Your attention and patience ^^

P.S. I think I won't give any further date - when exactly I'm going to finish this game update, but if there are no more unplanned unpleasant surprises - the update should be ready in the first half of this month.




its ok, you take your time and stay safe