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sometimes I like to create problems for myself, and this time I wanted to try something new in the game code, namely, linking 3 different zones to each other in the code, with subsequent (sometimes not significant) changes in the dialogues or actions of the characters depending on changes in a particular area . Yes, I have done something similar before, but usually the situations were tied to one specific location, but now, since I didn’t really like much the video material that I use/get for the 0.2 update, I wanted to try something more serious in the code as a compensation , and, in general - at the moment I managed to more or less fulfill the idea, though something tells me that 95% of the players will not even notice the difference, since they will go through the game linearly along the plot, but I think the experiment will not be in vain and in the future may allow me to do something non-standard in the game project.

I remember my promise to finish the game mission by the end of the month, and I can do it even now, but still, I want to do a few more experiments with the game code (including in the battle with the robot), before showing the final version, and since the Ren'py engine does not forgive mistakes - I will still need to test all the resulting options so that the players do not get a window with an error in the code.

So I won't set a new framework for when I plan to finish the update just yet, but once the first mission on the lower level is completed - perhaps - I'll either try to add adult content with a tigress, or else try to refine the points that I don't I managed to finish it earlier, namely, to try to add more sounds in the combat system, add a few neutral rooms on lower level of space station (maybe even a laundry room with a new NPC) and the like. Will see, if You want to see specifically adult content with a tigress - feel free to leave Your wish in the comments, but maybe it can be postponed to the next update (v03), perhaps along with adult content for the another new NPC.

I also had time to think about where the plot of my game goes, and, since it’s more and more problematic for me to find normal space-themed locations, sooner or later I will still try to send Krystal to an abandoned planet, and already there, most likely - either ACT-3 of the game project will begin, or else I will generally call ACT 2 - the Game without a number designation ( Legend Of Krystal Parody, Or Legend Of Krystal P), ACT 1 is a prequel, alpha version, or something like that, and  ACT 3 will have the name like *Legend Of Krystal Parody 2* Or * Legend Of Krystal P2* or something like this.

I also should say that now I have more or less enough skills to simply make some sort of the copy the abandoned version of the game project from the LOK team ( and maybe I will really decide to work in this direction, with making Krystal a member of one of the wild tribes, and I already have a good idea - how to do it, taking into account that the meaning and plot of my previous work was not lost), but still, I will develop my idea, and therefore Krystal will have the opportunity to fight hand-to-hand, and with the use of a spear, bow, magic (spoiler ^^), well, or by lust (maybe I will also take into account the moment * corruption*, for example, if Krystal loses fights instead of otherwise avoiding fights), and few other ways, possible, with more modern weapons, but will see.

Perhaps I will also change the appearance of the main character, or I will hold a vote when I have a new character model. I already have a couple of ideas that will make Krystal closer to her original look from LOK games, but I will share them later (plus I am not yet 100% sure that I will be able to get exactly the models that I would like to try - not everything is sold, something will have to be made to order, but there is no 100% guarantee that they will sell it to me).

Anyway - thanks for Your attention and Your support, and I hope that You having a good time this summer ^^



Alexander Wolfe

More adult content is always a big plus no matter what the context is for games like these imo. The more the better/merrier!