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unfortunately, with the creation of a game update, everything is far from going as smoothly as I would like (the locations that I plan to use in it look weaker than those that I used in previous updates, but unfortunately I don’t have the opportunity to use something better right now), just as I had to reject several ideas because of their lack of thought.  This is especially true for the following:  I wanted to add the ability to take a partner almost from the very beginning of the descent to the lower levels of the space station, but there was not a logical problem, namely - if Krystal plans to *pass* the battle with the enemy with using the path of lust - how will this affect her ally? Will this ally just stand by and watch, or should he/she be part of it all? If the second option, then I need to add alternative content, and this significantly complicates the process, and at the moment I don’t have the opportunity to do this in the near future (not to mention the fact that if in the future I add the ability to have different partners, then when creating a parody of the open world - I will simply drown when trying to create content for each specific situation, taking into account helper castling). If the first option - the situation will look very strange, and I would like to avoid such moment.   So if I will try to follow the path of at least some logic - I tend to believe that most of the assistants will be temporary, and then, for some reason, they will leave the main character, and she (Krystal) will have to go through most of the battles and adventures in splendid isolation.  However, in those moments when Krystal will not be alone, she should think more logically, perhaps even at some moments add the possibility of dialogue with a partner, and the like. Will'see.  


Now regarding what I plan to finish in the near future:  During the week I will try to fully insert into the game code everything regarding the second mission on the lower level of the space station, which will be the goal of eliminating a problem in one of the hangars (namely, a failed robot, due to which the security system is not able to work correctly, causing the Station Commander and one of the other soldiers to be trapped).  The mission can be completed in several ways, it will be possible to do this without a fight. If you choose a fight, you can try to do it in splendid isolation (which will definitely be more difficult), or use help. By the way, regarding the latter - I have not yet decided - whether Krystal will have the opportunity to ask for help several times during the battle, or whether her ally will invade the battle at a random moment. If You have any idea about this - feel free to leave it in the comments.


Upon completion of this mission (on which I planning spend about week) - I also plan to add some random content (perhaps the ability to explore some other rooms with the ability to find something in them), or else... In general, there is still the possibility that Krystal and her new ally will also have the opportunity for some *adult* actions. In general, if you like the second option more - also feel free to leave Your opinion in the comments.  Thanks for Your attention and Your support!  

P.S. I think if for some reason I fail to complete the work on the second mission by the end of the month, I will turn off monetization and will not collect donations this month. Yes, I understand that I have more than enough reasons to delay work now, but I also understand that people expect results from me, and not just excuses. I think it sounds fair.




Good luck!


In the event Krystal brings an ally, it may make sense just to close off options for lewd actions instead of combat. Since Krystal will have help, the combat should be easier, so there is less need to look for an alternative to fighting. The other trade-off would be that there is then the option for a lewd scene with her companion. I will use Seth as an example, even though he already has a lot of content and may not be an option for this. Since he is an engineer, so maybe he provides Krystal some kind of energy field in combat that helps reduce the damage of powerful hits. Krystal can't choose to let enemies have their way with her around him though, since she is worried about her reputation. However, when they reach a certain room maybe Seth requests Krystal repay him for his help with her body, and there is an option for another sex scene. This might add some variation without making things seem unbelievable, and give players a reason to replay certain segments of the game.


Also no worries about the environments. Players focus mostly on the characters, so if the environments lack some detail they may not notice as much as you may expect.


With Seth is linked to much content on the main level of the space station, also as it's ends in the moment then Krystal catches him with Pelma, so, so far - their story is more or less finished in the game project, but maybe I will show them again later. As about other - I could say that it's not bad idea, like, if Krystal has partner - she won't be so lustful and won't be avaliable to do *fun* with the enemies, but, in same time - it's could be also the limitation of the content, if really, and not all people will see the *fun* scenes. Although, of course, it is possible, as an alternative, to introduce vulgar content between Krystal's ally and her and the enemies, but, as I pointed out in the main post, I will need to create a lot of content for each enemy mixed with each ally of Krystal (after all, she will have more possible allies in the future there will be more than one), but I'm afraid I'll just drown in all this. Will see, I'm not giving up on this idea yet, but I'm afraid - if I follow this path - the game will weigh much more than 2-3 gigabytes ...


But I did notice this, and I don't like that, because every time I do try to make something, which will looks, at last, a bit better, then I did before ;s


Oh, I was just using Seth as an example since he's an established game character. The formula could work for any character. It definitely might be a lot to do combo scenes with Krystal and each ally for all scenarios, probably more that it's worth.