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I'm not a big fan of complaining, but I haven't really gotten out of bed for the past two days.

And since the doctors in Russia are far from the best - even after several months (about 12) - they still cannot make an accurate diagnosis of my illness (They usually called it gastritis or infection, but then they talked about cancer and covid, although the last two diagnoses were never confirmed.) but the problem is that in such a state I cannot work promptly (including doing my real life work), since I can't seat more then 20-30 mins in row (due to severe burning in the chest and stomach), and I'm usually in a supine position.

No, I am by no means saying that I am stopping to do my work here, on Patreon, I just want to warn You that if there are delays in my work again, this is due to my health. I will try to fulfill my obligations on Patreon as soon as I am able to sit in front of the computer for more than 20-30 minutes at a time, and my health will be more stable. 

Thank You for Your attention and sorry for the delays.



:((((((((((( Take care of yourself! It's the most important.


I second what ZePompom said, the game can wait, take care of yourself and get better, don't push too hard to do too much too soon. Take your time, get well first :)


I wish you a speedy recovery


Take Care of Yourself and don't Push to hard. Take your time to get well, and i hope you will get better soon. *give a Hug*

Robert (dark441)


Lord Zero

No matter what happens take care of yourself first and foremost Shine, we can handle delays and postponements but we could never forgive ourselves if you got injured or died trying to work for your fans. Get well soon our favorite vixen!


Thanks, but not only game, but also few video orders. Yeah, again unplanned cr*p...


Aww,Thank you really much.Hope I will be back as soon as possible.


Aww thanks, but I still will try to not take to long delays. Just normal working condition should be enough.


Выздоравливайте Шайни! Комфортной погоды и да выдержит ваш ПК все нагрузки без ошибок =3


Спасибо, и компьютер уже тупит от жары, но пока не сильно)


no matter what your health is always a priority, don't worry about us shine, we can wait for you, take all the time you need.


Thanks, I'm still feels my self so so, but I already started to working slowly, so will try to upload intro on new private video in 2-3 days


I hope you feel better after that! Thanks! :)


Aww, thank you). Luckly I already feel my self a bit better, so I already did took some video recs, and will try to post intro on next video project in 1-2 days)