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I decided to create this topic due to the fact that too often I began to receive orders for projects that are clearly not to my taste, but therefore, if I treat my creativity as a job, and not creating something that I like, then and the price should be appropriate.

For example, to completely create a video project (taking into account the preparation of the filming location, recording, editing, writing history and dialogues) - creating a 30-minute project takes me about 15 hours, and sometimes more (most often it is writing a story and dialogues, thinking over a plot - takes not a small fraction of this time), and if use simple mathematics, and divide how much I usually ask for such a project by the time spent - the figure turns out to be so ridiculous that I begin to understand why when some people refuse their order - I feel relief, not loss of potential profit, which is not good, and since my work is creative - if I take on the work of a video project that I don't quite like - it certainly doesn't look fair for the such amount of money.

And therefore - I would like to hear Your opinion - what would be an honest price for such work (if we talk about an order that is not quite to my taste, and is more done as a job), but if You have any recommendations or tips - just do not hesitate to leave them in the comments.

Thank You for Your attention.

P.S. Perhaps - I will add more categories for video projects, for example - starting from a price of $ 30 there will be a 15-20 minute video only, without dialogues and story, or something like that, I still need to think it over this is how it should be.



I like this idea )


I think a base price for those projects should be at least 50 or 60 dollars, and maybe increase depending on the difficulty or how much the client ask you, like extra time, specific dialogues, stuff like that. That's one idea at least


Hmm... Like if a project is not to my taste, or if it comes entirely from the client's initiative, and I am not at all interested in it, I can ask for a double price for such a project?... Perhaps I will take note of this, or I should double the cost of my work, but with making the opportunity for a 50% discount, if people, who would make order, will have good-looking avatars, and I would like the idea of their order?...