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as much as I would not like to finish updating my game project by January 15, I'm afraid - I won't do that in time, and I have several reasons for this:

1) The game client *Black Dragon* decided that I was treating him too badly, and stopped generally starting with new filters, and in those rare moments when he still decides to turn on, he crashes after a few minutes. Fortunately - the latest version of *Firestorm*  also started working with those not quite standard filters that I decided to use, however, the following problem arose ( let's shuffle to the second point )

2) The creators of the *Firestorm* decided to change my usual weather and lighting settings so much that now everything is set up completely differently. And many of my favorite filters have been removed altogether. And now I have a problem - either to use the old version of the client while it is still working, or to learn a lot again. I'm still thinking, but for non-standard filters I need the latest version of the *Firestrom* client. Fortunately, I still managed to set up the filters, but the next cause of problems was my own ambitions (next point, please)

3) I was so carried away by the desire to diversify the game that I wrote down so many materials that I would add to the code, including writing dialogs - it will take a very long time, and I definitely will not have time to do all this in two days. Already now the volume of the game code is about 14 thousand lines, and it continues to grow, and I will hardly figure it out in the remaining 1-2 days, while I already feel morally exhausted, since I worked for more than 30 hours only on this update of the game project, and I have other orders, also as work in real life, also as I am still sick (it will be a year soon, anniversary, yay), and at some point I generally wanted to quit all this, which is clearly a bad sign, so I feel - I need some rest from all of this.

In summary :  No, I'm not going to finish my work, since the question here is not only about money, but also about creative self-realization (if the question were only about money, I would have closed this game project long ago, since in terms of income it clearly a failure, and not worth the time I spent on it),  however - I cannot work so fast, not with such health, not with such employment in real life, so I think - I will delay the release date of this update until January 20-25, since I will need to rake some game code again, so as not to get lost in it in the future (14 thousand lines is a large amount of code, at least for me), plus the extra time will help me to better think over the scenario, dialogues for the game, so the extra delay in general should benefit the project.

Thanks for Your attention and time.

P.S I'm pretty damn tired right now, while I'm writing these lines, so maybe - the somewhat negative content of the message - precisely because of this, and when I finally get a good sleep - I will approach work with great optimism. We'll see. I just needed to report on - what's going on with the game project, and I think - I did it.




Is no problem take the time you need ^^ the main thing is that you don't give up and stay healthy ... or rather, you shouldn't get more sickly :P


Stay safe and take your time, I honestly don't mind waiting for the game, you could work at your own speed, you don't need to give us deadlines for your game, we love what you do anyways. You should consider taking a break in general tho.


Aww ty, and thanks for understanding, and, well, sadly my health is far from good, but at last - it's not so bad as it was, so maybe with time it would return more close to normal one day, at last - I hope so ^^


Aww thank you ^^ well, I just don't try to fool people around, and do working with speed, which I can work with. Technically, if I haven't real life work and duties - I would do such updates in less then a week, but, well, real life is real life ^^


I stand by your side, no matter what. Take some rest, you need to rest and relax, we have only one life, there is no need to push it over the limit. And remember that there are none can do as well as you did )))


Oh ty, I really do sometimes think about vacation because of such health, but since I don't see 100% guarantees that this vacation will help - I continue to work, and since doctors need to be paid - no money is superfluous... And, yeah, no one can rake my code better than me, heheh)