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Work on the update is gradually moving towards the final stage (I have about 130 dialog boxes left to write, then submit all the text for editing to my friend (I hope he won’t block me after seeing all this TEXT), + I will need to add sounds for spicy scenes ), and after a few experiments in the code - I managed to find an easier way to add an interactive map to the game for day and night (initially it required adding a lot of small changes in the code, but I managed to find another way), so... I decided that I am abandoning version 0.02, and the update will still be released under the number 0.03, since I believe that the work done more than deserves to be considered as two updates in one (due to too much work done).

I will still try to finish everything this month, and use the list of active patrons of this month for credits, but the update may come out next month, since there may be problems with editing the text due to its large volume, etc.

I also think that I will release two versions of the game for PC and MAC, which will differ in the quality of video materials in those, in case someone downloading 4+ gigabytes seems too large - I will provide them with a version 1+ gigabytes in size, but there will be lower quality video files.

This is all about the game update, but then I would like to add something that has been tormenting me for a long time regarding my work in general. (I apologize in advance for the not entirely coherent post below, there are too many thoughts, but not enough free time to do it at a decent level)

I've had some time to think about what makes me feel a lot of burnout regarding my virtual work, and I ultimately decided to highlight a few key points about it.

Creating a Patreon page was something of an additional incentive to create content, but initially I did without it, self-promoting my virtual characters, increasing their reputation, of sorts, while saving on a lot of commissions that people usually order from artists, which draw furry art for serious money, but I found a simpler way, which not only did not require much expenditure from me, but at the same time, my key character (Shine) became known to a very large circle of people (even if many in the furry community pretend , that they have no idea who this character is, with a high probability they still saw my content), and... In general, this brought me a very cheerful range of feelings, especially when my virtual character had many fans (oh, old good times), and the like.

That’s why I treated donations, albeit responsibly, but even with very small amounts of donation, I did not finish my work all this time, and continued to do what I was doing, because there was interest, because I was having fun, and... .. Watching millions of views of my content, a lot of likes... It still brought me a certain creative satisfaction, and when they started paying me for it (including adult sites) - it was a good boost to the desire to improve the quality my content, buy better equipment to make videos without lags, with a higher quality picture, additional effects, and the like.

However, all good things cannot last forever (I will not touch on the political situation in the world), and at some point I lost a key point of income, but, much more, I lost what I was most proud of - my adequately functioning Xv1deos page. No, it hasn't been deleted yet, but most of my content is gone. But the problem is that even if they someday restore my page to the way it was, I no longer feel trust in their resource, and I don’t think I can make any serious plans to continue creating video projects. Yes, we can, of course, talk about trying new sites, but in view of the fact that, for reasons of sanctions, I still won’t be able to withdraw money from them normally... What remains for me is just hoping for better times and the emergence of inspiration again. And yes, I still have another page (on P0rnhub), this is still important to me, but unfortunately there has been no income from it for a long time, but these are internal problems of the company itself, they were never able to solve many problems with payments, their club function was never restored, and essentially... I haven’t had any serious business plans for their resource for a long time, but I’m still grateful to them that my content is still available there in the public domain.

Is working on a game project some kind of salvation for me in this situation?

Let's start, perhaps, from a commercial point of view - if we take into account the income that I have left (after losing adequate income from adult sites + taking into account the costs of creating it (fortunately, a good friend helps me with the land, otherwise I would need dollars somewhere- then 100 additional costs per month for renting a plot of sufficiently large size)) + taking into account how many hours per month I spend working on this project (about 40 hours on average per month, but over the past few months it has already been more than 60 hours every month) - this project is an economic failure, and usually developers simply stop working in such cases. I believe that if I focused only on finances, I should have stopped working on the project more than 2 years ago, since I have somewhere to spend my free time from my main job.

However, despite all this, despite the sanctions and all the difficulty of withdrawing finances at this time (I may simply not receive the money at any moment), despite the many stupid comments of some people who for some reason expect high productivity from me , donating no more than $1 a month (guys, look at developer vacancies, and how much they ask on average for an hour of work, and maybe you will begin to appreciate more what I do) - I'm still not out from all of this.

Why? Why am I still here? Interest Ask. And to be honest, at the moment I cannot give a clear answer to it. I think after I finish working on this game update, I'll take about a month off to get a better understanding of it all. Also, due to creative burnout (the desire to do too much in a short period of time gave a negative consequence) - I will also need time to unwind and collect my thoughts (unfortunately, the vacation will not concern my real work, so I won’t be able to truly rest).

However, in order not to end on a negative note - I would like to add the following - if I feel that what I do is truly needed by people, if I feel support, approval of my work - I will again feel inspired. And I will continue with renewed vigor what I do. The main thing is not to show indifference, at some moments this is even worse than stupid criticism (especially from those who for some reason think that I owe them something ( I speak here mostly about people, who donate almost nothing, but leaving negative reviews then leaving my Patreon page), but at the same time they forget that if, again, it comes down to donation - they paid mostly not me, but other developers, and if they want to express their indignation somewhere, they should contact those to whom their money went).

And again a negative note... Gosh. In general, no, don’t think that everything is so bad, no, it’s not. I just needed to express all this, and perhaps part of it made me feel better after that.


In general, one way or another, I’ll try to finish work on the game update before the end of the month or post it at the beginning of the next month, and then there’ll be a month of break in work to collect my thoughts, and perhaps rethink my Patreon page in general ( although I don’t want to give up regular video content either, just... a break, until better times), well, we’ll see.


Thank You for Your attention.

