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Hello everyone!

I wasn't planning to directly address this but after giving some thought, I felt it was necessary to give a brief statement regarding recent issues that have come about that have fractured the Moemon development team.

About a week ago, the Moemon discord posted an announcement detailing the conclusion of server maintenance; more specifically, the removal / separating of several team members and as a result they would no longer be working on or hosting the Mega Moemon FireRed romhack that was the initial inspiration for this entire project, but they would continue with smaller, alternative patches for vanilla and others.

At the same time, a new discord has popped up (the link for which can be found here or here on the MMFR page) with several of the former members which is continuing the project on their own terms.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't interested in the behind-the-scenes of what exactly happened because I'm a massive slut for drama but it's honestly none of my business, which leads to the first point I'd like to make regarding this. This is stated on the front page but I'll reiterate here:

This Koikatsu project has absolutely no connection to any of the Romhack projects that are currently in development or to any of the extremely talented artists involved either directly with sprite work or for their own original gijinka artwork that serves as inspiration for us.

More importantly, and this is the main reason I decided to even comment on this at all, is the actual direction this project will take regarding sprite work. After all, if there are two main teams, and both of them make their own sprites, which one would we use? It's honestly pretty up in the air but for now, well, we'll use both, really. There are talented artists on both teams, many of whom are my favorite. I couldn't pick between the two. That said, some discretion will be used.

As a quick example, the former team, which will be referred to as the Moemon Project team, had updated Mew a few months ago to this new design:

There was obviously some differing opinions on it but like several others, I also thought it escaped the essence and silhouette of Mew way too much. The new team, which we'll refer to as the Global Moemon Project team, has delivered a different version just recently:

While they're both awesome designs in their own way, the second one captures Mew a bit more in my opinion (in color, playfulness, silhouette, etc).

Of course, there's always room to use both with whichever Moemon family it is as Regional variants. If both are just too cute, we'll make both. 

As a final (and less relevant) point, I just want to clarify that I'm not interested in pointing fingers or "siding" with anyone involved with the decisions to separate or remove or ban others or whatever exactly happened on the original team. Well actually, I AM interested, but I'm not going to investigate or make any of my own conclusions, since it's private matters and as stated, I have no involvement with any of them. Although I do believe it's true that, like a coin, there is always two sides to every story, there's only ever one coin, or one truth. 

Having said all of this I would just like to ask that we all respect the decisions that were made and move on. 

Both teams seem determined to continue their passion and I can say I am as well. We'll continue as long as there's new Moemon to capture.

Thanks for reading!

See you all next release.



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