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Cranidos and Rampardos are here!

Finally, our first set of Fossil Moemon since.. Who even knows when? It sure took forever for them to actually receive some sprites, and now that they're here we're finally able to properly tackle the Sinnoh League, and these are our first opponents.

Properly, both Cranidos and Rampardos wield a giant mace designed around their unique characteristic. While it's a neat option that is somewhat shared between their counterparts, Shieldon and Bastiodon (who is another Sinnoh League Gym set coming up), there are very few OTHER Moemon that wield weapons like that, much less maces. It's a shame, since the weapon is pretty cool!

Not much else to say though. Rampardos' hair may not be EXACT since it's technically "blowing in the wind" in her sprite, but I like the option she ended up with anyways. Oh yeah, and both of their weapon/armor sets can be turned off with Sub accessories. I think that's about all.




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