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Spoink & Grumpig are here!

This is everyone's favorite pair, right?

Yeah, okay, I know not TOO many people actually use these two in a regular play through, but I do highly recommend trying Spoink out next time you get a chance. Mega Moemon FireRed 1.19 just released the other day, and if you want to try Spoink out, she's located west of Viridian City (on the route that leads to the Indigo Plateau) and has a 5% spawn chance. I actually caught one and have been using her to great success. Grumpig even gets Bounce at level 60, which is great coverage against her natural enemy, BUGS!

Anyways.. I have to admit right off the bat, the unfortunate part about KK is that - as far as I'm aware - FK control is not available in the creator, and it's not even available in Studio for accessories attached to a character.

Unless I'm wrong, correct me on that, please!

What this means is that their tails, are, unfortunately just simple cat tails. In order to give them the spiral effect, I had to edit them in Studio with FK controls enabled. You can see what I mean by downloading the scene here:


You can "attach" accessories like this to their body, so that in animations the tail stays where it should be. 

Actually, I considered releasing some Legendaries via scene only once before, since there's so much more you can do within the studio, and perhaps I will in the future, but for now I try to do as much as possible within the confines of the creator.

That said, I do love how these ones came out overall. They are cute, have a new nose type I'm experimenting with, and came out pretty close to their sprites.

Here are the cards!

#325 Spoink - https://files.catbox.moe/1ekf26.png
#326 Grumpig - https://files.catbox.moe/49zakr.png 



Hey! Quick mini-update here!

I was going to post an update yesterday, but I took the day off to spend time with family for Father's Day, and gave myself a much needed break. I also decided to hold off on the update until the beginning of next month, and perhaps switch to just doing one major update per month, since I'd rather not do an update just to cover the next few releases, since you kind of already know what's coming in the next few days. If you don't, a quick reminder:

Gym Leader Flannery is next, along with Numel, Camerupt, and her iconic Torkoal.

Rayquaza will be out this weekend.

The Gen 1 Legendary pack should be out as well before the end of the month.

So, that's like 5 new releases and like 10 reworks all coming out within the next 8 days.

Yikes, I need to get to work!

Anyways, see you next drop!



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