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Hey everyone!

A lot has changed since we began this project about a year ago now. There's been tons of mod updates, new hair, clothing, accessories, and I've also improved on my own style and finally have settled into a groove that I like. There's always minor adjustments to be made, and I improve with each release, but there's lots of older cards that I am particularly fond of and want to update to the current standards. And when I say "lots" I basically mean all of them. So it'lll be a hell of a process, but I've been working on them in the background, waiting for a good time to both finish and release them.

Beedrill is one that I happened to start working on literally yesterday, and this is an early preview of her. Some more adjustments will have to be made to her face, and I still want to find an alternative wing set, and her weapons need to be updated as well, and on top of that I need to work on both Weedle / Kakuna AND their Shiny versions.

So she has a long way to go, yet.

Jessie and Jamie (aka Team Rocket) have a new look, and while I think they are shaping up fantastically, I feel there is still a good amount of work left to be done. Besides that, I am currently working on a huge "Team Rocket" rework, a sort of "complete package" that can be expanded upon later. This would include every Rocket member so far released, such as the Rocket Admins Ariana and Archer:

(Designs and outfits not yet final for either of these, by the way)

In addition to these four, here's the current plan/sets to update/release:

  • Team Rocket Jessie, Jamie & Meowth
  • Team Rocket Butch & Cassidy (New)
  • Team Rocket Admins Ariana & Archer
  • Team Rocket Grunts: Hailey, Amy, & More
  • Team Rocket Boss Giovanni & Persian
  • Silver
  • Dark Moemon such as Magneton, Arbok, Weezing (possibly)

Possibly more, we'll see as time goes on.

Nurse Joy, Chansey, and Blissey also have received an update. Nurse Joy has actually been slightly redesigned with her new appearance in the anime, while Chansey and Blissey are mostly the same, but with some body/face changes and some outfit changes. These may be the first ones released, soon (once I make sure they are up to par).

Jigglypuff is one of the more exciting ones to work on. I've never been satisfied with them since there was a lack of "spiral hair" options. Now that we have some Majinn accessories, I can finally return to update these two as well as the Clefairy family, which shares that same "tuft" of hair.

Additionally, it gives me an excuse to also release Igglybuff and Cleffa alongside their reworks, so look for those soon.

Last but not least, since Summer is officially here, I decided to rework many of the old Swimmer trainers and give them a bit more "oomf" with their cards. As an example above, the GSC Swimmer above now had more appropriate looking hair, skin color, and outfit, but she also has a bit more personality with her as well, including a full wardrobe:

One of the main reasons I decided to update these girls is because I also have a slew of Water-Type Moemon that either never got released (such as Corsola, Mantine, Remoraid, etc), or are severely needing updates (Staryu/Starmie, Shelldar/Cloyster).

These girls SHOULD be out next month, but I may break it up into "parts" to get some of them out sooner.


That's all to share in this WIP update, but there is definitely a LOT more I'm working on in the background, including the Gen 1 Legendary Update pack, more reworks (Vulpix is on my list...) and even some non-Moemon related stuff.

Hopefully this gives you all something to look forward to - our next drop will be Friday, and here's a small teaser for that!



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