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Mega Steelix is here!

While no Moemon sprite exists, that didn't stop me from going all out on one of my top 6 all-time favorite Pokemon!

I spared no expense when it comes to accessories, opting for even minor details like creating a necklace to replicate Steelix's chin, blue hexagon patterns overlaid on her body, and shards of steel-glass levitating around her neck -- oh, and giant shards (using a custom texture) potruding from her back, hips, and thighs.

She's a lovely amalgamation of steel, iron, crystal and boobs.

Here's her card:

#208 Mega Steelix - https://files.catbox.moe/k6j7rt.png 

Note - This is our largest card to date at 1.1mb, just passing Ho-Oh's 1.0mb! Standard size is 0.3mb, for reference.

Catbox refused to upload it several times! ;-;

Come on, Catbox, it's not that big!





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