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Sudowoodo is here!

Does anyone remember that time Brock molested Sudowoodo?


I actually wanted to remake Broxi for this scene, but ran out of time!

Anyways, Sudowoodo has a very native-esque design, very exotic looking tbh, with tribal-like patterns on her clothing. Her fake bonzai plants double up as weapons imo, like little mini 1-handed maces! She'll beat you with little trees if you try and wet her!

There's not much to say about her, she's just very accessory heavy. Her trees can be disabled faster by turning off Sub accessories (although now that I think about it, I'm not sure if I applied it to every outfit set.. Shit, I may have fucked up there!)

Either way, here are the cards!

#185 Sudowoodo - https://files.catbox.moe/zcpktq.png 

#185 Sudowoodo (Shiny) - https://files.catbox.moe/lcz9r0.png 




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